15 Benefits of Lemon Water You Didn't Know About

Benefits of Lemon Water You Didn't Know About - Lemon water is one of a kind refreshing alternative drink. In addition to having a fresh sour taste, lemon water has a lot of content, because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients. The fruit is usually used as a decoration in food and beverage dish, it can help the body to fight various types of dangerous diseases.

The health benefits of lemon water have been known for centuries. Ancient Egyptians believe, drinking lemon juice can protect the body from various toxins and diseases. Fruit extracts that have the botanical name Citrus binomial x limon has more than 100% vitamin C content required by the body. To get maximum benefit from this fruit, make sure to get it from freshly squeezed lemon juice directly. Avoid to get lemon bottled water sold in the market, because it has been mixed with a variety of chemicals that just can not memebrikan benefits for health.

Benefits of Lemon Water You Didn't Know About

Content of Lemon Water Nutrition

Lemon is one of the most widely used citrus species in the world. The benefits of lemon have a wide range of useful substances such as citric acid as the main ingredient, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin and limonin that can help affect the immune system and act as anti-infection.

Benefits of Lemon Water You Didn't Know About

Consume lemon water can provide various benefits, such as:

1. Helps Control Blood Pressure

In lemon water contained a number of potassium is very useful in helping control blood pressure. This of course will be very useful for those who have hypertension disorder (high blood pressure). With the benefits of lemon water on a regular basis will be able to help them make blood pressure to normal and can provide a relaxing effect on the mind.

That will help in reducing stress levels and excessive depression. This can lead to the emergence of various types of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart attacks, or stroke.

2. Radiating the digestive system

By consuming lemon water it can also help alleviate digestive problems, such as heartburn, nausea, abdominal bloating, belching, and constipation disorders (difficult bowel movements). The way is quite easy, namely by mixing the lemon juice with warm water.

By consuming the herb on a regular basis will be able to help stimulate the digestive tract. Peristaltic stimulation of the intestinal wall, useful to assist in efficient removal of waste or digestion remnants. It will help cure constipation.

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3. Stimulate liver function

The content of natural compounds contained in the benefits of lemon water is able to dissolve the content of uric acid and other harmful toxins that nest in the liver. In addition, lemon water is also useful to help break down gallstones and can alleviate fever due to malaria.

Potassium content in lemon water can help cure symptoms of disorders of the liver or commonly called biliousness such as constipation, vomiting, loss of appetite, and dizziness. For that, for those who are experiencing liver dysfunction, it is better to consume warm lemon water in the morning on a regular basis, ie one hour before you breakfast.

4. Cleaning the body of bacteria

In his book entitled "Back To Eden" Jethro Kloss stated that lemon juice extract can help eliminate the buildup of bacteria in the body (sepsis) that is by affecting the body's anti scourbutic ability in preventing disease and rid the body of impurities.

According to Dr. Gillian McKeith in her book "You Are What You Eat" also explains that by consuming a glass of warm lemon water in the morning after waking up, it can help clear the useless mucus in the body. But he also suggested to consume lemon water at night before bed.

5. Helps to relieve fever

Consuming a mixture of warm lemon water with the benefits of honey can help relieve flu symptoms like fever. Consume the potion every two hours until the flu symptoms subside.

6. As an aromatherapy

Several studies have shown that the essential oil content in lemon fruit can help provide a calming effect and relieve fatigue, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness, and tension. This will help improve one's concentration and alertness.

Experts have recommended to use the lemon scent to make the work space and home more fresh. Or it could also take a few drops of essential lemon oil content and apply it to the handkerchief to reduce the feeling of tension.

7. Helps to lose weight

The benefits of warm lemon water with a mixture of honey is routinely believed to help in the process of weight loss more quickly. This will be very useful for those who are obese and are trying to do a strict diet to get back to normal weight. The benefits of pectin fiber in lemons can help the body to feel full longer.

8. Helping dental care

For those of you who are having toothache problems, try to apply lemon extract to the painful areas. This will help to get rid of the discomfort. In addition, lemon extract can help reduce symptoms of bleeding gums, prevent bad breath, and overcome other gum disorders.

9. Reduce inflammation

The level of acidity in the body that causes various types of dangerous diseases can be overcome by routinely consuming lemon water. This will remove uric acid in the joints, which is the main cause of inflammation.

10. Help boost the immune system

In the lemon fruit is very much contained Vitamin C. This is very useful to help keep the immune system to stay healthy. The content of vitamin C benefits in lemon can also help reduce stress.

11. Maintain brain and nervous health

Lemon laden with potassium content is very useful to maintain the function of the brain and nerves to function optimally.

12. Helps eliminate caffeine addiction

Consuming warm lemon juice can also be used as an alternative to substituting the consumption of caffeine-containing products. This will help give the effect of freshness in the body.

13. Fight infection

By consuming warm lemon water regularly is an effective way to reduce the risk of contracting various diseases caused by viral infections, such as sore throat, or other health problems.

14. Helps treat acne

Citric acid content in lemon juice can help to deal with acne disorders effectively. Vitamin C contained in it can help kill bad bacteria that cause acne and can also give the effect of skin look more glow. So, in addition to ingredients of consumption, lemon water can also be applied to the skin as a mask or by applied to areas affected by acne at night before bed.

At the beginning of use may be a burning sensation, painful, and discomfort in the skin. but it will disappear immediately. The next step you should do is to clean or rinse the face the next day with clean water.

15. Helps remove dead skin cells

Lemon is one fruit that contains AHA (Alpha-Hydrocxy Acid). The content can help in the process of exfoliation of dead skin cells. The way is quite easy, namely by applying lemon juice extract on cotton and then applied to the entire face at the time of cleaning the face. Leave it up +/- 10 minutes then rinse. This will make the skin look softer and radiant.

16. Overcoming large pores

Another benefit of lemon water is that it can be used as a facial benefit to overcome the major pores in facial skin. The trick is to apply lemon water that has been cooled in the refrigerator by using cotton balls on the skin. After that rinse your face with clean water, then apply a moisturizer. Do it regularly every morning.

17. Removes stains on the skin

The benefits of antioxidants contained in lemon water can not only help eliminate a variety of skin complaints. It can also remove wrinkles, scars, and age spots that can later help brighten the skin.

18. As a flavoring ingredient

In addition to the various benefits above, lemon water is usually also used as flavoring various types of dishes such as cakes, as well as various other spices.

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Side effects of Lemon Water

Benefits of Lemon Water You Didn't Know About - Lemon water has a very low PH content, which is about 2.0. For those who are sensitive, consuming acidic lemon juice can sometimes cause some side effects such as a burning sensation when in contact with the mouth, tongue, or wounded lips. In addition, consuming large amounts of lemon juice, it can also aggravate various types of diseases such as gastric ulcers.