Vitamin B17 Benefits

Vitamin B17 Benefits - Do you know what is vitamin B17 ?. Vitamin B17 or often also called amygdaline is one of the vitamins that are believed to prevent cancer. But unfortunately this has not been done with explanations and in-depth details and details that these vitamins are able to individually prevent cancer. Currently we can consume vitamin B17 that has been packaged in the form of supplements and natural sources of fruits and nuts. For consumption in the form of supplements should first consult a doctor dose and proper use because not everyone is suitable for this type of vitamin. Vitamin B17 in supplement form also has a high dose so it will be dangerous if not consumed with the right dose. While the source of this vitamin can be obtained from fruits and nuts. This vitamin is mostly contained in apricots and almonds. Of course, consuming natural sources will be safer compared to supplements.

Vitamin B17 Benefits

Vitamin B17 contains many benefits for the health of our body. Recommended daily consumption is about 100 mg / hari.Namun apart from the resulting benefits should also be noted side effects arising from this vitamin. Side effects include headache and body become weak. To eliminate these side effects can be neutralized by consuming lemon, orange and also wine. For now we will discuss some of the benefits of vitamin B17 which, among others, as the explanation below.

Vitamin B17 Benefits

1. Prevent and cure cancer

There is no evidence to prove that this vitamin alone can independently prevent and cure cancer. But this vitamin has been very trusted from antiquity when it can prevent and cure cancer and contain anti-cancer substances. In studies that have been done to prove that to be able to prevent cancer in addition to consuming this vitamin also needs to be supported consumption of food and other medicines as well as it is also very necessary regular exercise.

2. Lower blood pressure

The study found that taking this vitamin regularly and with high doses can lower high blood pressure. But please note that taking vitamin B17 especially for patients with hypertension must consult a doctor first. Because it could be with inappropriate use instead will cause harmful side effects.

3. Strengthen the immune system

The immune system is able to protect our body disturbances from outside and inside, whether it is a disorder caused by food, drink or air that we breathe. A low immune system will cause us to get sick quickly. Vitamin B17 is able to overcome this problem, because this vitamin can improve our immune system. But again need to be emphasized, taking vitamin B17 supplements should be with doctor's instructions.

4. Reduce inflammation

When there is an inflamed body, taking vitamin B17 can reduce the pain and inflammation itself. Consuming this vitamin can increase a substance, where the substance can make white blood cells attack the disease-causing cells or cancer.

5. Set the PH in the body

In plain we can not see the changes in PH in our bodies. Whereas when our body Ph is not normal our body can experience symptoms such as organ failure until death. But if if we are sick for example diarrhea, then the Ph body will be disrupted. One way to normalize the body's PH is to take this vitamin.

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Vitamin B17 Benefits - Thus some of the benefits of vitamin B17. Please note if will consume this vitamin, especially in the form of high-dose supplements should consult first to the doctor. Because if consumed with inappropriate doses can cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting can even cause poisoning to cause death. To be more safe can consume this vitamin from natural sources such as apricot, berry and nuts.