10 Health Benefits of Wine

Health Benefits of Wine - The benefits of wine have been famous since ancient times. Ordinary wine is eaten simply or as a recipe ingredients or used as syrup. In the region of Europe already cultivated wine about 6000 years ago. This shrub plant, usually live in the area with high intensity with low rainfall. About 60 varieties of grape variety, consumed by the whole world.

Nutritional Value of Grapes
Wine has a good nutrient content for the body. Each grape varieties have their own nutritional value, but in general the wine content of wine consists of 70 percent water and 20 percent sugar substance, which makes the grapes very good for the body's metabolism. 10 percent of other substances include:

  1. Error acids
  2. Glucoside
  3. Phosphoric acid
  4. Manganese
  5. iron
  6. A number of vitamins
  7. Calcium
Other compounds such as polyphenols and resveratol substances contained in grapes that we know as antioxidants. The content of wine antioxidants counteract free radicals that enter the body, to prevent the formation of cancer-causing cells.

Wine Benefits Overcoming Diseases

Health Benefits of Wine

The benefits of wine can prevent the onset of disease in the body. Here are some examples:

1. Good Blood Sugar Source

Not all fruits have blood sugar regulation, as in the benefits of watermelon has a fairly high glycemic level of about 70-75, which is not very suitable for people who have problems with blood sugar balance. In grapes only presented about 43-53 glycemic levels that indicate low glycemic levels. In a study developed at this time, a good blood sugar balance is related to the content of phytonutrients in wine.

2. Anti Microbial Materials

Common antioxidant content such as piceatannol and resveratrol, produce phytonutrients in grapes that have been widely proven as antimicrobial agents. In the study did not find how these antimicrobial substances in can from the grapes. This substance helps the body in preventing related problems due to food microbes.

3. Maintaining Heart Health

In studies on grapes, the content of this resveratrol substance, has a function to increase blood vessel dilation, which provides an opportunity for blood to flow more easily.

The study was also shown when the body relaxed, with larger blood vessel walls, resulting in lower blood pressure or as blood flowed through all areas of the body with high volume of pressure. It is beneficial in increasing oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells.

4. Sources of Vitamins

Red grapes provide a good source of vitamins to maintain a healthy body. Each serving of red wine, giving about 16 mg of vitamin C, about 27 percent of daily needs, on a 2.000 calorie diet such as citrus benefits. A number of other vitamins are also found such as:
  1. 22 mcg of vitamin K (about 28% of daily dietary value)
  2. 0.4 mg thiamin (27 percent of daily value)
  3. Vitamin E
  4. Vitamin A, pantothenic acid
  5. Vitamin B-6
  6. Folate
  7. Beta carotene
  8. Alpha carotene
Vitamins help the body function function properly, which will reduce the risk of certain health problems.

4. Rich Minerals

The benefits of grapes are rich in a number of important minerals. Each serving of red wine provides minerals such as:
  1. 288 mg of potassium (which is also found in the benefits of bananas)
  2. 0.2 mg of copper
  3. 0.1 mg of manganese
  4. 0.5 iron
  5. Red wine also contains some minerals in the small of them calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium.

5. Cognitive Benefits

The grapes that are consumed as human grape juice intake, provide benefits in optimizing cognitive strength. In a Concord study of daily consumption of grape juice 1-2 weeks for several months, it showed a marked increase in participants in the California Verbal Learning Test study.

6. Body Protection from Radiation

A potent nutritional content that has been shown to protect the body against radiation therapy, when used as a treatment against cancer radiation.

7. Helping Muscle Restoration

Strong antioxidants can support cells and organs, in removing uric acid and other toxins from the body. It also provides support for the recovery of muscle injury to athletes.

The Benefits of Wine Fruits For Skin

In addition to wine is very good for health, other wine benefits also take care of beauty, which is as follows:

8. Protection Against Skin Cancer

In many studies, resveratrol substances show a positive effect on the development of cancer cells. Resveratrol provides protection against the skin from UVB damage from the sun, thus providing resistance to skin cancer.

9. Moisturize facial skin

The grapes slice into two pieces, then apply on face and let stand fifteen minutes. Use it regularly every two times a day morning and night before bed and taste the benefits of wine that gives skin natural moisture.

10. Brighten the face

Dull face, very disturbing appearance, wine can help. 1 to 2 grapes picked and peeled, then squeezed by hand. Combine with honey ± 2-3 drops, then apply to a clean face. Let stand for at least 15 minutes, then rinse with plain water.

Wine is one of the fruits with the perfect content for health that has a good antioxidant content for the human body. But there are some tips for those of you who want to consume wine
  1. Make sure you do not have diabetes. The content of sugar in wine is high enough and will add to your diabet worse.
  2. Make sure you wash clean, in the fear of wine in the spray with pepstisida materials that are not good for the body.
  3. Do not store too long in the refrigerator, this will cause contamination with other bacteria in your refrigerator.

Other benefits:
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Health Benefits of Wine - Everything / fruits certainly have advantages and disadvantages of each, for that, consume wisely.