The Health Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity

The Health Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity - Mensana in Corpore Sano is a popular proverb. It means that in a healthy body there is a strong soul. A healthy body is the desire of every human being. Old and young. Because if it hurts all activities will be disrupted and life becomes not easy to live. Then there are many ways to get healthy living to achieve a healthy body. One of them is exercise.

The Health Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity

Exercise means performing a mild or heavy motion or activity with the intention of achieving a balance between body, mind and spirit. A healthy body and spirit will make life more beautiful.

Type of Sports Based on Media

  1. Sport with certain tools, for example: Fitness, cycling, yoga and so on
  2. Sports with certain activities can be with tools or without tools, for example Swimming, athletics, aerobics and so forth.
  3. Sports done with other living beings such as Equestrian and so on

Type of Sports by Place

In addition there are also sports that are distinguished from the place for example

  1. Sports outdoors. For example cycling, horseback riding, mountain climbing, cross country and more
  2. Sports indoors. For example yoga, chess, fitness, aerobics if done in the gym and more

Then there are also sports done individually or in groups. Examples of sports conducted by individuals as described above include:

Individual Sports

  1. Swimming, fitness, aerobics and so on

Sports Group

Then examples of sports are done in groups for example:

Basketball, volleyball, football and so on

Actually a lot of daily activities that can also be called exercising as long as done in a routine way such as up and down stairs, washing, sweeping pages and so forth. The most important thing here is the physical activity that makes the body move, sweat and feel more healthy.

For those who feel there is no time, there are some easy sports activities that can be done without taking up time, just 10 minutes a day. For example:

  1. Sit ups, Push ups
  2. Going nowhere
  3. Skipping or jumping rope

Make sure the exercise or physical activity is done every day or if not in the morning can be in the afternoon.

The Health Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity

Then what are the benefits of exercise for the body? There are 5 major sports benefits:

  1. By exercising regularly the body becomes more relaxed and refreshed, so automatically make sleep more soundly, avoid stress and body feels fit
  2. Exercising is proven to make body parts such as heart become healthy. Because the heart should pump the flow of blood into the body within a few seconds so it takes a healthy heart. Moreover, this disease is classified as a deadly disease in the world. So it is better to maintain heart health early on. Similarly, the lungs and other body parts.
  3. Exercising to make the skin feel fresh because accustomed to move other body parts. Proven sports make us become younger and associated with beauty
  4. Exercising makes bones and muscles strong. Bones and muscles will decrease their elasticity and strength as body growth and age increase.
  5. Exercising makes the brain circulation work well so that concentration increases. It is also good for elderly parents. For example, train the brain with exercise chess and others.

Also for women sports is also highly recommended, why?

6 benefits of sports for women

  1. Appearance is very important for women. They are very fond of looking beautiful or fit. So too thin is not good, especially if it is too fat. The problem of obesity is usually the suggestion is dieting and exercise. So exercise is recommended because it is useful to overcome the problem of women's weight, or if you want to maintain the ideal body.
  2. As described above, exercise is very good for healthy skin. The skin is certainly related to beauty. Healthy skin, looks young and always fresh into women's desires. By exercising healthy skin and looking beautiful more easily obtainable.
  3. Women often pre menstrual syndrome pre-menstruation. This hormonal change is enough to disturb the emotions and the inner stability of women. So with exercise there is a hormone that is released so not too sore stomach when menses attack. Or avoid body aches and so forth.
  4. Sport is also proven to increase the energy of women in the activity. Exercise makes energy increase so that women are eager to live their days.
  5. Women are more susceptible to osteoroposis or bone fragility disease. Rather than the men. So by exercising regularly women can prevent this disease. Especially if balanced with other energy intake such as bone milk and other supplements.
  6. When a woman is pregnant, she is encouraged to exercise according to trimester and age of pregnancy. For example in the third trimester there is the influence of hormone relaxin resulting in low back pain and hip. So he can exercise according to the doctor's instructions as well.

Then if you are not used to exercise, it's good to find friends or choose the type of sport that would be fun to follow. For example cycling, aerobics with friends, even by walking for 1 hour had been calculated to nourish the heart and good for the health of the body.

Sports tips

There are several tips that can be done to choose and do sports:

  1. Adjust the type of sport that you will follow or do with your habits and interests. Or can also choose the sport that best suits your personality. For the introvert it's good to try exercising indoors, but for the extrovert definitely a sport that requires cooperation such as football quite interesting done.
  2. Make sure what targets to be achieved when exercising and adjusting to the type of exercise. For example you want to be more fit body or maintain an ideal body weight then sports like running or fitness and aerobics can be followed. If to avoid sports stress such as cycling or jogging can try to do.
  3. A sport that you are familiar with from a small following can also be an option. For example, if from a small you are accustomed to swimming swimming, then it could be a regular exercise in adulthood as well

If you have determined the type of exercise and know the benefits of exercise, you should make sure your schedule to exercise. If you are unsure about exercise, it's good to know what harm can be caused to the body if it is lacking or not exercising.

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The Dangers If Not Exercising

That is:

  1. Your body is susceptible to various diseases, especially with the number of seasonal diseases that hit if the rainy season such as flu, fever and so forth
  2. Your body has decreased muscle mass due to lack of movement or physical activity
  3. The body is unable to maintain its ideal weight. Especially for those who have a tendency of obesity or overweight and so forth not good if not trained with exercise
  4. The body is tired and the brain is less able to concentrate. This can be due to lack of exercise.

The Health Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity
- That's some danger that can happen if not exercising, then it's good to get used to routine exercise early on ya.