79 Awesome Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Awesome Health Benefits Of Turmeric - Turmeric is a spice that is very widely available in Indonesia, even some who make it as traditional herbs. No wonder because the benefits of plants / spices is not only to cook but also for health. The benefits of turmeric, among others most often known by the general public is for nursing mothers, for pregnant women and so on. While other benefits of turmeric is to clean the face and remove black spots on the skin.

Awesome Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Content of Substance At Turmeric

Benefits of turmeric has a number of content including:

1. The dye kurkuminoid - A compound diarilheptanoid about 3-4% and consisting of curcumin, dihidrokurkumin, desmetoksikurkumin and bisdesmetoksikurkumin.

2. Essential oils - Containing 2-5% consisting of sesquiterpenes and derivatives fenilpropana turmeron (aryl-turmeron, alpha and beta turmeron turmeron), kurlon kurkumol, atlanton, bisabolen, seskuifellandren, zingiberin, aryl kurkumen, humulen. (Read: Oil Benefits Atsiri)

3. Minerals - magnesium iron, manganese, calcium, sodium, potassium, lead, zinc, cobalt, aluminum and bismuth

4. Other substances - Arabinose, fructose, glucose, starch, dammardan tannin

Awesome Health Benefits Of Turmeric

Benefits of turmeric for health is no longer indisputable, it has a variety of healthy nutrients that the human body needs.

1. Anti Inflammation (inflammation)

The volatile oil content in turmeric has shown significant anti-inflammatory activity in various experimental and research models. Even stronger than essential oil, this is due to yellow or orange pigment from turmeric called curcumin. Curcumin is considered the main pharmacological agent in turmeric. In many studies, this anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin has been shown to be comparable to hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone as anti-inflammatory agents such as Motrin. Unlike drugs, which are associated with significant toxic effects (ulcer formation, decreased white blood cell count, intestinal bleeding), curcumin does not produce toxicity.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis (chronic joint inflammation)

Clinical studies have proved that curcumin in turmeric also exerts a powerful antioxidant effect. As an antioxidant, curcumin is able to neutralize free radicals, chemicals that can be in the body and cause various damage to healthy cells and cell membranes. This is important in many diseases, one of which is arthritis, where free radicals are a cause of painful joint inflammation and damage to joints. (Read: Benefits of Wild Ginger, Bangle Benefits, Benefits of Turmeric Milk,)

Turmeric content that can provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects explain why many people with joint disease feel very relieved when taking this herb. In a recent study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, curcumin compared with phenylbutazone would produce comparable improvements in short duration such as morning stiffness and reduced joint swelling.

3. Cancer Prevention

This curcumin antioxidant content allows to protect colon cells from free radicals that can damage DNA. This process is particularly useful for the large intestine where cell turnover is quite rapid, which occurs approximately every three days. Because cell replication is common, DNA mutations in intestinal cells can lead to the formation of cancer cells much faster. Curcumin also helps the body to destroy cancer cells, so they can not spread throughout the body that can make the damage worse. The main way curcumin does it is by improving the function of the liver. (Read: The Benefits of White Turmeric)

Another mechanism by curcumin that protects against cancer development is by inhibiting protein synthesis as a role in tumor formation and preventing the development of additional blood supply necessary for the growth of cancer cells. Turmeric is more potent than the benefits of lemongrass leaves and may be as good as the benefits of soursop leaves in eradicating cancer.

What are the potent cancer prevention through turmeric?

Heart cancer,

Colon cancer,

Blood cancer,

Prostate cancer

4. Increase Antioxidants

Curcumin content is one of the powerful antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals because of their chemical structure. In addition, curcumin also increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the body itself. In this way, curcumin provides resistance / killing of free radicals.

5. Improve the Function of the Heart

A study conducted with mouse study subjects conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric on the ability of the liver to detoxify xenobiotic (toxic) chemicals, levels of two liver detoxification enzymes are essential (UDP glucuronyl transferase and glutathione-S-transferase) significantly increased in mice given Eating turmeric compared to those not. The researchers commented, "The results show that turmeric can improve detoxification systems in addition to anti-oxidant properties"

6. Reducing Leukemia Risk

The study, presented at a leukemia conference held in London, provides evidence that eating spiced foods with turmeric may reduce the risk of leukemia.

Is Prof. Moolky Nagabhushan from Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, IL for nearly 20 years doing this study. In his studies he says that curcumin in turmeric can:

Inhibits the mutagenicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (carcinogenic chemicals created by combustion of carbon-based fuels including cigarette smoke)

Inhibits radiation of chromosomal damage

Prevents the formation of dangerous heterocyclic amines and nitroso compounds, which are present in certain processed foods, such as processed meat products containing nitrosamines.

Inhibits leukemia cell multiplication in cell culture

7. Cardiovascular protection (Vascular disease)

Curcumin may prevent cholesterol oxidation in the body. Because oxidized cholesterol can damage blood vessels and accumulate in plaque that can lead to heart attacks or strokes, preventing the oxidation of new cholesterol can help reduce the development of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Turmeric is the source of vitamin B6 needed to keep the homocysteine ​​level from being too high. Intake of B6 is one of the high intake of vitamin B6 is associated with decreased risk of heart disease.

In a study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, when 10 healthy volunteers consumed 500 mg of curcumin per day for 7 days, not only did lowering the blood oxidation rate, decreasing cholesterol by 33%, their total cholesterol decreased by 11.63%, and Their HDL (good cholesterol) increased by 29%! (Soni KB, Kuttan R).

8. Preventing Alzheimer

Numerous studies have shown that curcumin, a biologically active constituent in turmeric, can prevent Alzheimer's disease by activating genes that encode the production of antioxidant proteins. A study published in the Italian Biochemical Journal (December 2003) discusses the role of curcumin in the induction of the heme oxygenase pathway, a protective system, when triggered in brain tissue, leading to stronger antioxidant bilirubin production, which protects the brain against oxidative (free radicals) and injury .

The oxidation is thought to be a major factor in aging and causes neurodegenerative disorders including dementia such as Alzheimer's disease. Another study conducted jointly by Italian and American teams and presented at the annual conference of the American Physiological Society in Washington, DC, confirms that curcumin plays an important role in inducing genes, called hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) in astrocytes from the hippocampus region of the brain .

9. Preventing Depression

Depression is also associated with decreased inherited neurotrophic function of the brain and shrinking of the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain that plays a role in learning and memory. Because the content of turmeric has a function to help this neurotropic process makes it can give anti-depression effect.

In addition to the above 9 Benefits, turmeric can also provide a variety of important health effects, following some other turmeric properties:

Diabetes mellitus





Menstruation is not smooth

Abdominal mules during menstruation

Helps to facilitate breast milk

Able to help smoothen during labor

Wean the baby

Cangkrang (waterproken)


Slime mucus


Stomach ache


Stomach Heartburn





Difficult to defecate



Vehicle Drunk

Pain due to cavities

Blood booster

Clean the blood

Increase appetite


Treating ulcers

Treat ulcers or ulcers

Treating swelling due to disengant by insects or caterpillar fur



Other benefits:
Vitamin B17 Benefits
The Health Benefits of Sport and Physical Activity

Turmeric For Beauty

Eliminate Acne scars blemishes

Makes skin soft

Can make skin look firmer and youthful

Treating oily skin because it can reduce excess oil production on the skin

Treating Acne

Disguises wrinkles

Can be used as a natural hair dye

Prevent premature aging

Reduces the hair on the skin

Overcoming Hair Loss

Helps remove dead skin cells

Overcoming hair dandruff

Can smooth the skin of the heel and elbow

Moisturizes dry skin

Make dark skin brighter and white.

Awesome Health Benefits Of Turmeric - Benefits of turmeric for health is very much at all, take advantage of is to improve the function of our body and health. How to use it can be done with various things such as in cooking spice, powder, boiled, or eaten directly if you can.