12 Health Benefits of Avocado Leaves

Health Benefits of Avocado Leaves - The benefits of avocado leaves have indeed been used for the purposes of traditional medicine in the world community. Many people who have believed the efficacy of avocado leaves are used as herbal remedies and can even cure various diseases.

Health Benefits of Avocado Leaves

About Avocado

Avocado plants from Mexico Central America, currently avocado has been cultivated in South America and also the middle american as a garden yard in the tropical regions of the world, including Indonesia. Avocado plants that have Latin name Persea Americana Miller is very much found in Indonesia. Although not native to Indonesia, but its existence is not foreign to the community.

Indonesian society has long since been doing a series of disease prevention efforts using materials from nature as traditional medicine. One of them is using avocado leaves to cure some diseases.

Avocado Leaves

One of them is contained on the ingredients of this leaf of avocado:

Querstin is the largest flavonol group compound, querstin and its glycosides are present in an amount of about 60-75%. Querstin is believed to protect the body from several degenerative diseases by capturing free radicals and lowering the low food transition metal ions, cooking can lead to the process of heat degradation and can dissolve quercetin from boiling water. The avocado leaf tastes nutritious as a diuretic and inhibits the growth of several bacteria such as staphylococcus sp, pseudomonas sp, protectus sp, escherichea sp, and bacillus sp. Also efficacious to cure bladder stones, high blood pressure, and headaches. Tea-made leaves can cure nerve pain, stomach pain, swollen pernapasam channels and irregular menstruation.

Polyphenols are a sub-group of phytonutrients found in foods such as on the benefits of tea, onions, grapes and certain nuts. Natural polyphenols protect plants against pathogens, parasites and predators and often contribute to the flavor and color of fruits and vegetables. Polyphenols are a group of chemicals found in plants. This substance has a distinctive mark that has many phenol groups in its molecule. Plofenol plays a role in giving color to a plant such as leaf color during autumn.

Health Benefits of Avocado Leaves

Both of these substances provide the benefits of avocado leaves to deal with various health problems such as the following:

1. Kidney stones eradicate
Benefits of avocado leaf is the most powerful is for kidney stones, the content of various important substances in avocado leaves can help eradicate kidney stones. The content of alkolid, flavonoids, and saponins is a very powerful substance to destroy kidney stones so that it can improve kidney function.

How to use:
  1. Get 5-8 leaves of old avocado (green).
  2. Do not forget to wash up to germs and clean dust.
  3. Boil the leaf with 1 cup
  4. Wait until 1/2 cup.
  5. Filter the water until there is no dregs / other.
  6. Drink every day morning and evening up to 10 days.
  7. If effective kidney stones will disintegrate into such a pebble or appear foam when urinating.
  8. If it is out pebbles and / or foam when urinating it can be stopped this herb.

2. Smooth the skin
Mango Leaf is one of the herbs that can give good effect to the skin, especially effective to make the skin smooth. The content of antioxidants is also very good to help clean the skin and pores of the skin to clean and smooth.

How to use:
How to use it very easy stay mashed young avocado leaves until smooth, then apply in hand, leave 5-10 minutes then rinse with clean water.

3. Dry facial skin
Just as with its role of smoothing the skin, dry skin can also be treated with avocado leaves. How to use it is not too much different from points how to use to smooth the skin.

4. Back pain
Avocado leaf is also efficacious for the drug back pain, back pain is effectively removed with avocado leaves.

How to use:
  1. Boil 5 avocado leaves
  2. Boil in 1 cup water
  3. Wait for 1/2 cup
  4. Drink regularly up to 5 days until the back pain is lost.

5. Relieves Swelling
Swelling can be cured with the use of avocado leaves, Querstin substance content is very effective to help relieve swelling that occurs in the skin and other bodies.

How to use:
Simply mash the young avocado leaves until smooth, then place on the skin swelling and then wrap with a bandage then leave for 2-4 hours.

6. Helps Reduce Hypertension
Avocado leaf can be used to treat hypertension, the way is very easy that is with the avocado water stew. Take 5-6 pieces of old avocado leaves and boil in 2 cups water to 1 cup, drink regularly until blood pressure is lost.

7. Eliminate Sprue
Try to bite the young avocado leaves until smooth and paste on your mouth ulcer, and leave for 5-10 minutes, do 3 times a day and feel the difference.

8. Hair Blocker
The way is easy enough to smooth the leaves of young avocado and rub into the hair evenly for up to 10 minutes, then rinse / bathe immediately.

The benefits of avocado leaves can also be used for a variety of other problems such as:

9. Hollow teeth
10. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)

11. Unsaturated fats

12. Foods that can increase fertility in women

13. High oleic acid content

How to use:

  1. Take 4-5 pieces of avocado leaves
  2. Boil in 2 cups water to 1 cup
  3. Drinking regularly every morning and night.
  4. Do it regularly and feel the effect.

Note: Jia has no effect, please contact the related doctor and stop using this herb.

Benefits of Avocado Leaves For Cuisine

Fresh avocado leaves are often used as a spice and can also be used to make barbecue meats. Such use may be more common in South American countries than elsewhere. In addition, dried leaves are usually used more than most countries, including the United States. In such places, avocado leaves are usually used in boiled cooking as well as in soups.

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Avocado side effect

Health Benefits of Avocado Leaves - It is important to note that there are some questions about avocado leaf toxicity. Some studies show that leaves taken from some types of avocado plants have the potential to produce toxic effects. For example, some experts claim that Guatemalan avocado plants produce leaves that can be toxic, but Mexican avocado plants are safe. Even in some cases of Guatemalan avocado, many experts claim that toxicity is possible only if the leaves are consumed in large quantities.