10 Benefits of Almond Oil for Health and Beauty

Benefits of Almond Oil for Health and Beauty - Benefits of almond oil is known as a beauty care ingredients that have no doubt. Almonds were originally found as nuts that are often made as an additional ingredient for the manufacture of food. But over time, almonds are then processed and taken oil. Here are the benefits of almonds for beauty treatments and also provide health benefits.

Benefits of Almond Oil for Health and Beauty

Benefits of Almond Oil for Health and Beauty

1. Moisturize and Smooth the Skin

As time passes, the skin is damaged by sunburn and experiencing signs of aging. Almond oil can be used as a skin moisturizer to soften and smooth the skin. In the February 2010 edition of Complementary Therapies In Clinical Practice, it is said that almond oil is an emollient property that provides the ability to rejuvenate and smooth the skin so as to enhance skin color (live strong).

2. Relieves Skin Irritation

Many things are done by the body and involve the skin directly, thus making it vulnerable to irritation such as itching, swelling, reddish spots by the skin so it is like itching and swelling. Then skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema that cause inflammation of the skin, as well as redness and itchy rash. Temporary almond oil can relieve inflammation and irritation associated with the condition. But before using on the skin, experiment with just a little use of this oil, to see if there is any allergy or sensitivity of almond oil.

3. Removing Dead Skin Cells

Skin that looks dull usually due to dead skin cells, because of external factors such as pollution, dirt, sweat, and so on. Getting rid of dead skin cells will brighten the skin back by removing dead skin cells. How:
  1. Mix almond oil with milk as much as one teaspoon, a little lemon juice and gram
  2. Apply on face, then let stand for at least 30 minutes before rinsed with clean water
  3. To be made into a scrub, add 1 teaspoon of sugar
  4. Massage scrubs on the face in small circular motions to get rid of dead skin cells and blackheads

4. Overcoming Wrinkles

The content of herbal oils such as almond oil is also able to reduce wrinkles on the face. The content of vitamins A and B that help deal with the problem of wrinkles, is also widely contained in other nuts as we encountered on the benefits of red beans and green bean benefits. Its use is definitely better because it is free of any chemicals or adiftif or sensitive fragrances contained in cosmetic products.

Benefits Of Almond Oil Hair Treatment

Not only good to treat skin beauty, but almond oil is often used to maintain the beauty of hair:

5. Healthy Hair

Almond oil resembles the benefits of celery to dye hair, because of its rich magnesium content and is used in various hair products. Magnesium deficiency can cause hair loss. Almond oil will improve hair quality and reduce hair loss. Use almond oil 1 to 2 times a week, simply by rubbing it while scouring the scalp. Then prepare a towel that is already in hot water to wrap the head. This is done to optimize the absorption of almond oil. ((Stylecraze)).

6. Overcome dandruff

Maybe we only know the benefits of lime to eliminate dandruff, whereas almond oil is able to work effectively by removing dead cells and heal the scalp. Combine fine gooseberry and almond oil, leave for 30 minutes on the hair, then wash your hair to soothe the scalp and make hair more radiant.

7. Keeping the Hair Radiance

Almond oil combined with the benefits of avocado can be made into a hair mask that serves to keep the natural glow of the hair. Mix the almond oil with avocado fruit that has been smooth, then use as a hair mask. Leave on for 30 minutes before washing with shampoo and conditioner.

Beauty treatments with the benefits of almond oil for beauty should be experienced regularly, to make the skin and healthy hair a natural beauty.

Benefits of Almond Oil for Health and Beauty

Here are some of the health benefits of almond oil:

8. Increase Memory

Almond oil can strengthen the nervous system, thus making memory better. Add a little almond oil to a glass of milk and consume regularly. Almond oil is a source of omega 3 fatty acids, as found in the benefits of fish oil and unsaturated fats that make it ideal for consumption. Almond oil can also be used as a delicious salad dressing.

9. Improve Blood Circulation

Massaging with almond oil improves the blood circulation of the body and also helps the development of the bone system in infants. Massage baby with almond oil for soft baby skin and optimize healthy bone development.

Other benefits:
12 Amazing Benefits Of Sunflower Seeds For Skin, Hair, And Health
The Surprising Health Benefits of Papaya Seeds

10. Natural Analgesics

The analgesic properties contained in almond oil, can help relieve pain due to tense muscles. Prepare a few tablespoons almond oil and then heated, massage on the body that feels sore and stiff muscles.

Benefits of Almond Oil for Health and Beauty - Other benefits of almond oil is often used as a substitute for ordinary cooking oil in cooking because the essential oil content is better than palm oil. However, since almond oil comes from nuts, its use should be limited to nuts allergy sufferers.