33 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Celery

Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Celery - The benefits of celery have become friends for housewives. Celery leaves are often used as flavoring spices in the cuisine berkuah, because the aroma is typical, can emit the aroma of warm dishes. Celery is also often used as a decoration to beautify the appearance of cuisine when serving. However, celery leaves are usually not too important in its use, unlike the benefits of bay leaves or the benefits of cassava leaves are favored to be planted. While celery itself, it is very good dikonasumsi because of its abundant benefits, such as the following ((nutrition-and-you.com, Celery nutrition facts, accessed November 29, 2014)):

Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Celery

  1. Celery is a very low-calorie herb plant. Celery leaves contain only 16 calories per 100 g and contain non-soluble fiber, which when combined can reduce the weight and cholesterol levels in the blood.
  2. A rich source of flavonoid antioxidants such as zea xanthin, lutein, and beta carotene, which acts as a body armor, enhances body immunity and cancer prevention.
  3. Celery is a good source of vitamin A. Vitamin A and beta carotene are natural flavonoid antioxidants needed to maintain healthy mucous membranes and skin, and eyes.
  4. Celery contains folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin C, which is essential for optimal metabolism.
  5. The leaves and seeds contain many essential essential oils including terpen, limonene and humulene. However, the distinctive aroma of celery is due to a chemical compound known as phthalides (butylphthalid and its derivatid dihydro derivatives) in it.
  6. Essential oils obtained from the extraction of celery plants have been used as a remedy for soothing nervous conditions and osteoarthritis. In addition, the seed part, and its roots have diuretic properties (discharges excess water from the body through the urine), galactogogue (breastfeeding secretion), stimulants, and tonic properties.

Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Celery

Celery is a low-calorie vegetable filled with nutrients. 1 cup of fresh celery juice, produced from 4 cups of raw chopped celery has 65 calories, less than 0.7 grams of fat and nearly 2.8 grams of protein. This makes celery juice a good choice of vegetables. Approximately 3.5-5 cups of celery per week, which is the recommended amount for men and women ((livestrong.com, The Health Benefits of Raw Celery Juice, accessed November 29, 2014)), ((medicalnewstoday.com, What are the Health benefits of celery ?, accessed 29 November 2014)).

7. Potassium

Potassium is an essential electrolyte and minerals to help the body, regulate acid-base balance and keep heart activity healthy. Potassium also helps break down carbohydrates, and it's very important to build muscle and protein. One serving of raw celery juice contains 1,050 grams of potassium, which is more than 22 percent of the recommended potassium intake for both men and women. Potassium is also widely found in the benefits of bananas and the benefits of mango.

8. Calcium

Calcium minerals are essential for building and maintaining dental health and it is important to maintain a strong skeletal structure such as the benefits of milk. Calcium also helps transmit information through the nervous system and helps in dilation and constriction of blood vessels. The recommended intake of diet (RDA) for men up to age 70 is 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. After the age of 70, men should get 1,200 milligrams. For women, 1,000 milligrams daily until the age of 50, and 1,200 milligrams after the age of 50. One serving of celery juice contains 162 milligrams of calcium, which is more than 16% RDA for adults and 13.5% of the RDA for women.

9. Vitamin K

Vitamin K supports blood clotting, so it is important for wound healing and bruising. Lack of amount of vitamin K in the body will cause bleeding and difficulty recovering from injury, even bruising lightly. Vitamin K also helps the body use calcium, so it is important to maintain healthy bones and teeth. 1 serving of raw celery juice contains about 118 micrograms of vitamin K, which is more than 100% adequate intake for men and women

10. Folate

Folate is one of the B vitamins that help the body break down, produce and use proteins. Lack of folate in the body can cause canker sores, gray hair, diarrhea and anemia. One serving of raw celery juice contains 145 micrograms of folate, which is more than 36% of intake for men and women, and 29 percent of intake for pregnant and lactating women. (Read: Benefits of folic acid)

11. Antioxidants

Celery is a very rich source of antioxidants. Celery is a vegetable that contains phytonutrients such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, dihydro stilbenoids, flavones, furanocoumarins, and phytosterols. The benefits of antioxidants themselves are great for health. Here are some of them.
  1. Skin regeneration
  2. Prevent cancer
  3. Eliminate toxins in the body

12. Dietary Fiber

Although the content of especially celery is water, it also provides enough dietary fiber. Celery contains 1.6 grams of fiber in every 100 grams. Own food fiber. Dietary fiber itself is beneficial for many health problems such as:

  1. Launch chapter
  2. Preventing bowel cancer
  3. Cleaning the intestine
  4. Smooth the digestive process

Other benefits:
45 Amazing Health Benefits of Cucumbers
57 Health Benefits of Potatoes

Pretty Hair With The Benefits of Celery

Hair is the crown of the head that must be treated properly. A good appearance should also take care of hair health. The problem that is now often encountered in hair is the loss caused by the frequent mutual hairstyles with chemicals. Hair that shed continuously can cause baldness, therefore it must be overcome. Many treatments in the salon that can be done, but of course drain the cost is not small. Treatment with celery benefits is able to recharge the hair and keep the scalp.

Celery leaves For hair can also be useful for various hair skin problems, here's the summary:
  1. Hairline
  2. Black hair
  3. Prevent hair loss
  4. Preventing baldness
  5. Caring for and nutrition of hair.

Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Celery - The trick is easy, prepare if 10 stalks celery leaves then puree. Shampoo as usual, then rub the refined celery on the hair until evenly. Gently massage the hair to seep on the scalp. Then let stand for an hour using a shower cap or wrapping cap. Rinse thoroughly after one hour. Do it twice a week for treatment for maximum results.