15 Health Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit

Health Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit - Benefits of the mangosteen fruit is phenomenal and until now he is called the queen of fruit because of the benefits that are superrrr once. Mangosteen can treat and prevent various dangerous diseases such as cancer, this is what makes it extraordinary super fruit.

The results of the research revealed that the mangosteen fruit and its fruit skin is rich with more than 40 substances xanthones which is one of the most useful antioxidants in the world.

Health Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit
The benefits of mangosteen not only have the substance super 'xanthones', in the fruit contained also polikasanida, cathechins, and polyphenols which is one of the anticulate and anti-bacterial material. Keep in mind Xanthones is one of the main active components of the mangosteen fruit.

Mangosteen Content
In addition to the super-substances we call xanthones, mangosteen also has a high content of vitamins and minerals.
  1. Vitamin C, BI & B2
  2. Iron, niacin, protein, fiber, calcium, and others.

Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit

The benefits of the most famous mangosteen fruit is to prevent and treat cancer, mangosteen has been shown to improve the fitness and health of the human body. With various substances contained by the mangosteen fruit, then the benefits of this fruit can be categorized into one 'form of medicinal plants'. Here are some of the benefits that mangosteen may have:

1. Prevent Cancer

The benefits of the mangosteen fruit in preventing cancer is very unusual, even cancer and cancer symptoms can be treated by using the benefits of fruit known as the queen of this fruit. The most important research results related to this cancer is to prevent the development of tumors caused by the presence of garcinone E.

So keep in mind for you cancer patients please be careful in consuming this mangosteen fruit because there are some studies that say that the benefits have not been tested well against cancer problems. Academic evidence of cancer treatment or for prevention is not yet proven, in the Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology, scientists even warned that cancer patients should be careful in using mangosteen extract products because of the potential also to increase blood sugar levels.

But still the content of xanthones in mangosteen is very reliable in preventing and fighting cancer, but it helps you consult with your doctor about this issue.

2. Reduce Pain

Mangosteen besides sweet taste also has anti-inflammatory substances that can combat pain (inflammation, pain and joint damage, arthritis, or pain caused by exercise and minor injuries)

3. Prevent Infection

Compounds contained in the mangosteen fruit is believed to inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria that cause various types of infections in the wound. The teoir is supported by several studies published in the July 2003 issue of "Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin", in which the researchers examined xanthones from mangosteen and proved that these substances could stop the growth of tuberculosis bacteria that cause infection. In addition to the mangosteen fruit, the benefits of green wine can also prevent infection.

4. Rich in Antioxidants

The content of antioxidants in mangosteen fruit can help remove free radicals found in the body and eliminate certain toxins from pollution.

5. Good For high blood pressure

The benefits of other mangosteen fruit that is believed to be large enough is very good for people with high blood pressure, fiber and vitamins and minerals strongly support this benefit.

Oother benefits:
8 Healthy Benefits of Melon
9 Health Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit

The Benefits of Mangosteen Fruits For Human Body Fruit

The development of mangosteen fruit very rapidly in Indonesia, we almost every day hear the ad about this one super fruit. From various outstanding testimonials and information collected from various consumers who have used this super fruit following are some diseases that can be overcome by the mangosteen fruit.

  1. Helps prevent and combat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  2. Eliminate allergies
  3. Maintaining colon health, can overcome diarrhea, constipation, stimulate normal intestinal health.
  4. Maintain brain and nervous health
  5. Overcoming cataracts
  6. Migraine headaches
  7. Reduce stress and depression
  8. Reduce Cholesterol
  9. Helps prevent obesity
  10. Prevent premature aging.

Side effects of the mangosteen fruit

Numerous studies show that xanthones can interfere with normal blood clots. Not yet explained about xanthones substances on mangosteen whether it can interact with blood-thinning drugs (such as warfarin) or not, May also cause bleeding.

The study also published the use of xanthones in high doses can suppress the central nervous system in animals and cause sedation. Xanthones can cause excess sedation when combined with herbs or other medicines. In addition there is also the potential for poisoning in higher doses, the object of this study there are still animals, not done in humans.

Is Safe Using Mangosteen For Health Problems?
Health Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit - In addition to the sweet-sour fruit, mangosteen also has many properties that may force you to make it one of the drugs of choice for your illness. But whatever it is make sure that you consult with a related physician before trying to combine it with your illness.