10 Best Benefits Of Corn For Health

Best Benefits Of Corn For Health - Corn is commonly used as one of the ingredients of cooking recipes. In Indonesia itself still rarely uses corn as a staple food everyday. Whereas corn cultivation has been done so that corn can be easily obtained. Usually corn is only used as a mixture in the soup. The slightly old corn can be processed into a delicious popcorn. But indeed behind the good taste, corn is very well consumed because it is able to maintain a healthy body.

Best Benefits Of Corn For Health

Some of the benefits of corn other than as a source of carbohydrates but contains nutrients that can overcome health problems. Some of them are as follows:

Best Benefits Of Corn For Health

1. Calorie Sources

Corn is a rich source of calories and is often used as a staple food. The content of maize calories is 342 calories per 100 grams, which is one type of high cereal. This makes corn often consumed to gain a rapid weight. The flexible growth conditions of corn, making it important for the survival of dozens of agriculture-based countries.

2. Reduce the risk of hemorrhoids

The fiber content of one cup of corn, sufficient 18.4% fiber of daily amount needed will help reduce digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids. Fiber will help defecate, which stimulates peristaltic motion and even stimulates the production of stomach acids and bile. It can also reduce the chance of diarrhea.

3. Sources of Vitamins

Corn is rich in the benefits of vitamin b, especially Thiamin and Niacin. Thiamin is important for maintaining nerve health and cognitive function. Lack of niacin can cause illnesses characterized by diarrhea, dementia and dermatitis commonly observed in malnourished people. Corn is a source of pantothenic acid, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Lack of folic acid in pregnant women can cause birth defects in neural tube. Corn kernels are rich in the benefits of vitamin E, as a natural antioxidant that is essential for the growth and protection of the body.

4. Rich Minerals

Corn contains abundant minerals and benefits the body. Phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron and copper are also found in all varieties of maize. Corn also contains minerals such as selenium, which are hard to find in other foodstuffs. Phosphorus is essential for regulating growth, optimal bone health and kidney function. Magnesium is required to maintain a normal heart rate and increase bone strength.

5. Antioxidant Properties

According to a study conducted at Cornell University, corn is a rich source of antioxidants that fight cancer-free radicals. In fact, unlike many other foods, cooking foods can increase the amount of antioxidants in sweet corn. The benefits of antioxidants have been shown to reduce cancer because of their ability to induce apoptosis in cancer cells, while healthy cells are not affected. This is especially relevant when phytochemicals are a source of antioxidants, which are high in corn chemicals.

6. Protecting the Heart

According to researchers, corn oil has been shown to have anti-atherogenic effects on cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of various cardiovascular diseases. Corn oil, in particular, is the best way to improve heart health, and this comes from the fact that corn is near the optimal combination of fatty acids. This allows omega-3 fatty acids to strip off which destroys "bad" cholesterol and replaces it on binding sites. This will reduce the chance of arteries becoming blocked, will reduce blood pressure, and reduce changes in heart attacks and strokes.

7. Preventing Anemia

Vitamin B12 and folic acid are present in corn, to prevent anemia caused by vitamin deficiency. Corn also has significant levels of iron and is one of the important minerals needed to form new red blood cells. Iron deficiency is one of the major causes of anemia as well.

8. Lower LDL cholesterol

According to the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, consumption of corn skin oil will lower LDL cholesterol, by reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the body. Decreasing LDL cholesterol does not mean a reduction in HDL cholesterol, which is considered "good cholesterol" and has many beneficial effects on the body, including heart disease reduction, prevention and atherosclerosis.

9. Vitamin A

The yellow color in corn is a rich source of beta carotene, to form vitamin A in the body and is very important for maintaining the eyes and skin. Beta carotene is a source of vitamin A because it is converted in the body, but only in the amount needed by the body. Vitamin A can be toxic if consumed too much, so lowering vitamin A through beta-carotene transformation is ideal. The benefits of vitamin A are also useful for healthy skin and mucous membranes, as well as boost the immune system.

10. Controlling Diabetes and Hypertension

Eating more organic fruits and vegetables such as corn, has been thought to be associated with decreased signs of diabetes. Studies have shown that corn consumption can help insulin management and is effective against hypertension because of phenolic phytochemicals throughout the maize. Phytochemicals can regulate the absorption and release of insulin in the body, which can reduce the chances of patients to help maintain a more normal lifestyle.

In the community around East Java and Madura, corn is used as staple food for the population, because the carbohydrate content that mempu replace rice benefits. This high carbohydrate content makes it as one of the staple foods in developed countries like America. Some important minerals are also very rich in corn. In addition, the processing of corn is also very good, because corn is very delicious when burned or boiled, without oil and cholesterol free.

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Best Benefits Of Corn For Health - Many benefits of corn that we will get by consuming corn. Begin to consider corn for staple foods.