6 Benefits Of Eating Eggs During Pregnancy

Benefits Of Eating Eggs During Pregnancy - Eggs are rich in nutrients so make them superfood or super foods. Eggs have an important nutrient that consists of proteins, fats, and minerals that make it a healthy food. During pregnancy, eggs are healthy foods that should be included in the daily diet because the benefits of eggs for pregnant women is very much.

Eggs are rich in selenium, zinc, vitamin A, D, and B complexes needed during pregnancy. So eating eggs during pregnancy will provide some health benefits for pregnant women. But we need to be careful in choosing eggs. Before buying make sure the eggs are new and feasible for consumption. If buying eggs in a cardboard container, it should remain in the container and put in the refrigerator.

Although it has many benefits, consuming eggs also needs to be limited. Avoid eating too much egg yolks rich in cholesterol that are not good for health. Here are some benefits of eating eggs during pregnancy:

Benefits Of Eating Eggs During Pregnancy

Benefits Of Eating Eggs During Pregnancy

1. Helps the growth of the fetus

Eggs are rich in important protein benefits during pregnancy. Every cell that grows in an infant is made of protein, so an egg with a limited amount during pregnancy is very good for the fetus. In addition to the fetus, protein is also needed by pregnant women. So the protein can be beneficial for both mother and baby.

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2. Brain development

Eggs can also play a role in brain development in the fetus. The content of eggs that play a role in brain development include choline and omega-3 fatty acids. The content can play a role in the development of the baby as a whole and the health of the brain. It can also prevent the occurrence of disability in the baby's nerves.

3. Provide the cholesterol the body needs

Women or pregnant women who have normal cholesterol levels can consume two eggs a day to get fat needs. If cholesterol levels are high then you should avoid egg yolks. So can still consume egg whites, while the egg yolk is set aside.

4. Provide the calories needed

Eggs contain the calories needed by pregnant women. Pregnant women should eat foods containing an extra calorie of 200 to 300 calories to meet the needs of their bodies and their babies as well. The egg itself contains about 70 calories which is a healthy food to provide extra calories in the body of pregnant women.

5. Provide the required vitamins

Eggs contain several types of vitamins needed by the body. Some of these vitamins include vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin B2, and vitamin B12. the benefits of vitamin D is good for bone health, while the benefits of vitamin A good for eye health. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is one of the B complex vitamins. Vitamin B2 queues in energy production in the body, growth process, and helps the body process oxygen for use in the body.

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin works in helping the metabolism in the body, especially DNA synthesis and regulation, fatty acid metabolism and amino acid metabolism. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to the brain and nervous system.

6. Provide folate and iodine

Eggs contain folate and iodine needed by the body. Folate is beneficial for heart health, prevents stroke, maintains a person's mood, and maintains colon health. Iodine itself is useful for controlling the thyroid gland that works for the body's metabolism.

How to eat good eggs for pregnant women is to avoid eating raw eggs, or have to cook eggs first as boiled until completely cooked. Raw eggs can increase the risk of becoming infected with salmonella. Such infections can cause premature birth, contraction of the uterus, dehydration, diarrhea and vomiting. Some foods also contain raw eggs, such as:

  1. Home Mayonnaise
  2. Salad dressing
  3. Tiramisu
  4. Ice cream
  5. Icing

Things to Consider About Egg Consumption

Some things to consider in eating eggs and also storage are:

  1. Place eggs in a cool, dry place, ideally in the refrigerator. Eggs need to be placed at constant temperatures below 20 C. Eggs should be placed away from other foods.
  2. Eat foods containing eggs as soon as they are served. If not directly eaten should be stored in the refrigerator. Cakes for example can be placed in a cool and dry place.
  3. If you have boiled eggs stored in the refrigerator, they will last for 2-3 days.
  4. Always wash your hands and dry them after handling or cooking eggs.
  5. Do not use eggs whose skin is damaged because of dirty risk and contains bacteria that are not good for the body.
  6. Cook the eggs well and until cooked. Mature eggs will be kept away from bacteria. It is very important for pregnant women to eat eggs that are really mature.
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Benefits Of Eating Eggs During Pregnancy
- So for pregnant women, egg consumption is recommended. Benefits of eggs for pregnant women can be cooked until cooked and there are actually many choices of egg dishes that can be selected by pregnant women if it can with boiled eggs and fried eggs. Although good for the body, still should not be excessive in consuming eggs and other foods.