5 Real Vitamin K Benefits

Real Vitamin K Benefits - Each of human want to possess healthy and strong body. We can perform many useful things for our particular self, our family and society when We‘ve healthy body. Human body needs vitamin so their body’s organs can perform better. There will be some type of vitamins that happen to be well-known by people for example A, B, C, E. Here we will discuss just a little about Vitamin K. Yes, in fact not many people understand about Vitamin K.

Real Vitamin K Benefits

Once we mention the term Vitamin K we will certainly be led to at least one word and that is ‘Coagulation’. It‘s the other name of Vitamin K. Coagulation itself is really a blood clotting process. Like other fat-soluble vitamins, Vitamin K is part of them. Human body does need Vitamin K to finish one‘s body needs of vitamin. Although It‘s so rare, there will be cases of insufficient Vitamin K during this world as well as overdose. Individuals with insufficient Vitamin K may have serious issue with blood circulation. It tend to make the clotting process works poorly, which could cause a wound healing process become so difficult. Once we many know human body can cure itself naturally. Once the body doesn‘t have enough level of Vitamin K, one‘s body cannot produce its cure naturally. Even to a really small wound and in fact it may cause a fatal injured that could result in death. Those who are overdose of vitamin K may have health disorder.

Human body only needs a little level of Vitamin K, and that is around 75 – 120 mcg for adult. Once we take an excessive amount of Vitamin K, it may turn into a dangerous toxic to the body which could result in stroke along with other blood circulation diseases.

People that suffer the shortage of Vitamin K will easily get bruises and marks with their skin whenever they‘ve also a single minor accident or injury. 

Kinds of Vitamin K 

Vitamin K is split into three kinds, that K1, K2, and K3. Let’s check what vitamin K1, K2, K3 is and the function for human body and health.

Vitamin K1

The number of Vitamin K1 is that the vitamin that many of us will find altogether type of green vegetables and a few vegetables with different color. This sort of vitamin K is extremely natural and can also be absorbed by human body and it‘s non-toxic. The absorption from the body will certainly be better if it‘s taken together with other foods with good fat for example salmon and low fat meat.

The function :

Could be absorbed directly by lever and can also help the blood clotting procedure that tend to make our body keep healthy.
Decelerate the regeneration of cancer, especially lung cancer, as what happen to be based in the research and written in “International Journal of Oncology” in September 2003.

Vitamin K2

The kind of vitamin could be found from the method inside the body. The bacteria inside the body have the most important role during this type. Vitamin K2 works through blood vessel, bone, and all type of tissue inside the body except lever.

The function :

Assistance to lower the chance of heart diseases and protect the guts to stay it healthy.
Lower the risk to the artery to become stiffed so it may prevent heart attack.
It may help the absorption of calcium inside the body.
Protect the bone solidity using the absorption of calcium to avoid osteoporosis.
Protect nerve system that will help to lower and prevent Alzheimer.

Vitamin K3

This the first is synthetic. This type Isn‘t recommended because it could be toxic and convey out side effects. It should be used only by doctor recommendation.

The Benefit of Vitamin K for Body

We will find Vitamin K in your daily consumable food and beverage for example green vegetable, soy bean, broccoli, asparagus, milk, and lever. You will get the deeper explanation about them later in this post.

Human body has Vitamin K production in its colon which comes from good bacteria within the body. Nevertheless the natural Vitamin K which has been produced from the body Isn‘t sufficient so human still need to find other sources that from foods.

In order to understand and just know more Vitamin K, we have to look up its uses and benefits for human body. That‘ll be elaborate as below.

Vitamin K helps to stay the bones healthy and stronger.

A sufficient level of Vitamin K can strengthen bones and produce them more solid. Mineral together with Vitamin K create solid and strong bones. Vitamin K has big role because it helps osteocalcin (a hormone in body ) to absorb mineral that is vital to the bones.

Vitamin K helps to avoid diabetes.

By consuming and keeping enough Vitamin K inside the body, is capable to avoid and press the chance for insulin to become resistant. The standard insulin hormone production can turn glucose inside the body into energy. Therefore the human body organ could have enough supply of energy. We will prevent diabetes by maintaining and controlling our foods that contain Vitamin K inside it.
Vitamin K prevent abnormal bleeding (Hemorrhagic )

Hemorrhagic is among the terms in which the blood cannot stop. The reason being the blood clotting doesn’t work well especially for babies. The babies need to obtain Vitamin K from outside since theirs haven’t produces many Vitamin K. This could be made by breastfeeding the babies. To possess Vitamin K containing inside the breast milk, the mother should have sufficient level of vitamin K to ensure that she will breast feed the baby and help the baby body in order to coagulate and clot the blood.

Reducing the possibilities of cancer.

Cancer is among the most killing diseases that all of us know annually some people died due to cancer and there will be many people that also fight for any living. Vitamin K within the body can prevent cancer. It helps to lower the chance of cancer by reducing cancer growth in lever and lung. Consuming foods with Vitamin K in it could be another alternative to fight for the good quantity of death by cancer.

Vitamin K like a bone support

It‘s well stated that Vitamin K can support bones. The nutrient in Vitamin K is designed for bone health. It‘s repeatedly shown that people that doesn’t consume or insufficient Vitamin K includes a greater risk of fracture. Vitamin K has also been reported to become helpful for ladies who experience menopause and bone loss. It may help prevent future fractures. Both Vitamin K1 and K2 are shown to become bone protections by research. Vitamin K has a crucial antioxidant also.

Vitamin K in Foods

Those above are a few reasons why Vitamin K become an essential vitamin for human body, except others vitamins. We will obtain the Vitamin K from our daily foods and vegetables. Vitamin K is separated into two types when one thinks of food. The very first the first is Vitamin K1 and also the other is Vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 could be found in green vegetables and other vegetables while Vitamin K2 could be found in meat, cheese, egg and good bacteria.

Here are a few foods that may be your choice to fulfill the requirements of Vitamin K. It could be insert your diet menus also.


Spinach is definitely type of vegetables which has numerous nutritious in the planet and can it be consumed by lots of people. This green vegetable contains pretty much Vitamin K inside it. A bowl of boiled spinach serve around 888, 48 mcg this vitamin.

Dried Herbals

Besides used as an all-natural medicine, dried herbals have numerous nutritious also like Vitamin K. Dried basil, coriander, oregano and parsley are great choices which will increase your Vitamin K inside the body.

Fish Oil

Almost all type of fish oil will be the good causes of Vitamin K and it also contains an essential Omega 3. Fish meat is excellent choice when you‘re on a diet. You will get nutritious and omega 3 greater than fat.


Plum also offers Vitamin K inside it. One plum can provide you with 248 g of Vitamin K.

Other Vegetables

Vegetables like collard, broccoli, radish, cauliflower, and mustard are Vitamin K sources. A cup of boiled radish serve about 529, 34 mcg Vitamin K. To obtain the better results of boiling vegetables, it must not boil over 5 minutes because it will require away the nutritious inside the vegetables.


If cucumber is among the foods you often take, now that you can know you will get many benefits using this vegetable fruit. Cucumber contains high worth of Vitamin K and may be a good choice when you would like to add the supply of Vitamin K with your body. Beside that cucumber even have high degree of water that is designed for health.

Onion Leaf

Chop onion leaf is usually placed on other food to feature the taste from the food. It‘s strong smell which will raise people’s appetite. There‘s Vitamin K inside the onion leaf. 100 onion leaf or perhaps a bowl of chop onion leaf can provide you with about 207mg of Vitamin K.


Asparagus is that the supply of Vitamin K also. 100 gram of steamed asparagus can provide you with 144mg of the vitamin. Asparagus is definitely type of food that may be easily cooked or perhaps eaten raw. It‘s high protein level and contains inflammation compound which will control glucose inside the blood for diabetes patients.
Vitamin K deficiency

Individuals with insufficient Vitamin K with their body will possess some symptoms for example :

Undeveloped fetus

Owning a baby is just one of every couples dream. Each time a woman stated to become pregnant, she needs to fulfill the requirements of Vitamin on her body. Vitamin K is part of them. Deficiency of Vitamin K for any pregnant woman is extremely dangerous for both the mother and also the baby. Since it tend to make the fetus not to developed and possess some unwanted problem to the baby. To the mother, it may cause internal bleeding and that is difficult to prevent.

Blood can hardly clot

As what this post has stated at first from the article, somebody with vitamin K deficiency may have difficulty whenever they get injured. The wound cannot easily heal and also the blood hard to prevent naturally. It requires medical helps giving vitamin K injection towards the patient.

Problem in colon

Insufficient vitamin K can result in health problems. Part of them is in colon. Diseases like cystic fibrosis, malabsorption, and a few other colon related problems. To avoid this, we have to take vegetables in your menus. Vegetables like asparagus, fish oil, and cucumber are many of the vitamin K resources.


Hemorrhage is that the situation where blood can’t be clotted. It may result in anemia. The most typical case of bleeding is in nose and gum. Not just that, individuals with vitamin K deficiency problem sometimes could have blood with their urine. It happens when the quantity is extremely little beneath the suggested normal number.


Generally almost all sorts of vitamin can decelerate cancer cells. Vitamin K is the strategies. There was an instance where a patient who didn’t get enough supply of vitamin K within the body, get cancer back even when he / she was stated to survive from cancer. That’s why patient should still take vitamin K albeit they‘re already heal from cancer.

The Overdose of Vitamin K

The factor of Vitamin K overdose is due to the synthetic vitamin K (K3 ). It may occur once we consume a lot of vitamin K supplements. The very first reason from the overdose could be that the supplement being recommended Isn‘t being optimized correctly. The next is that many of us regularly consume the foods that contain Vitamin K that tend to make one‘s body have an excessive amount of Vitamin K and cause overdose.

The symptom of overdose

We need to concentrate whether We‘re overdose of Vitamin K. The symptoms are anemia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and skin rash. Therefore we Shouldn‘t over consume synthetic vitamin K or its supplement. The natural food we should avoid to bring daily is green tea. Because the quantity of Vitamin E is 712 mcg / 100 g or add up to 300-500 SI Vitamin K which tend to make overdose once it is consumed daily.

1. Hemolytic anemia

Overdose of Vitamin K can cause hemolytic anemia. What‘s hemolytic? Hemolytic is that the state where erythrocyte membrane is broken and also the hemoglobin freely gets around and It‘ll result in anemia. There will be two reasons for hemolytic anemia, that intrinsic and extrinsic. Actually there are a lot of possibility reason for hemolytic anemia. From medicines, Vitamin K poisoned infection pregnancy until autoimmune.

2. Jaundice

Jaundice is caused by the alterations of skin tone, eye ball (white side ), salivary gland, and likewise escalation of billirubin in human body. Commonly it occurs to new born baby. Vitamin K overdose is that the triggers. For adult the disease occurs to alcoholic. Drinking alcohol an excessive amount can cause inflammation and abnormal lever function. This disease must be controlled by doctor. Whether baby patient or adult patient. Patient needs to minimize the usage of Vitamin K so the disease could be treated well.

3. Harm to the brain

Since Vitamin K is fat-soluble, It‘s kept inside the lever. Abnormal lever function results in jaundice. At the standard level, 40% of vitamin K which have been absorbed will certainly be released through bile and 20% through urine. However the Vitamin K3 inside the lever reaches 90%. It may create toxic inside the lever that could spread through blood vein. Once the toxic reaches brain, it tend to make the brain to become damaged.

The eye damaged that caused by jaundice is that the sign of brain damaged. Because eyes damaged has close relation to brain damaged.

By getting vitamin coming from the available resources, human body could be healthy and strong. However we still need to look following the advantage and also the disadvantage the strategies. We should steer clear of the word “too” and “less”. We do believe everything is created with the portion in everyday life. I hope this post can add our knowledge about human body and also the vitamin.