8 Best Benefits Of Olive Oil For Skin And Face

Best Benefits Of Olive Oil For Skin And Face - Olive oil or commonly known by the name of olive oil is one type of processed which has many benefits for the health of the body. As the name implies, olive oil is made from the main ingredients of olive seed and extracted its essential oil. Usually for those of you who often do the diet program, olive oil is one of the basic ingredients that must be used, because it has a low fat and cholesterol content so it is good for health.

Best Benefits Of Olive Oil For Skin And Face
Olive oil itself, in addition to having good health benefits for the body as the basic ingredients for making food. The benefits are also very good for health, especially the skin part of your face. What are the benefits? The following are some of the benefits of olive oil for the face including thorough skin health:

Best Benefits Of Olive Oil For Skin And Face

1. Overcoming the cracked facial skin

Have you ever had a cracked facial skin? Usually facial skin conditions are cracked caused by many things, including allergies and exposure to ultraviolet light. Cracked facial skin will certainly have a very bad impact on you, because this can affect:

  1. Skin health, especially the face thoroughly
  2. Reduces confidence
  3. Damage and disrupt your appearance
  4. Sometimes pain and sore

Therefore, to prevent and treat the skin, especially facial skin that experience chapped, can use the benefits of olive oil for the face, which will treat skin conditions like this.

How to? The way is quite easy and simple, and can be done by anyone. Here are the steps:

  1. Take a drop or two of olive oil
  2. Apply the olive oil to the area of ​​the skin that is broken
  3. Do this activity at least 2 times a day regularly.

2. Moisturize facial skin

Other facial skin problems that are very disturbing to you, especially the women is a dry skin problem. Dry skin is also one of the factors triggering the emergence of cracked skin conditions. Dry skin is also caused by exposure to sunlight and also allergies.

Dry skin can cause the skin to become more rough and very unsightly. Therefore, the benefits of olive oil for the skin will remove dry skin conditions and make your skin moisture awake.

By utilizing olive oil, your clit will always feel moist. And also can avoid the cracked skin on the surface.

3. Makes healthy natural facial skin

Olive oil has a lot of vitamins and nutrients that are very important for your skin health. Especially on facial skin, using olive oil as a mask and rub it on the face. Then all the nutrients and vitamins contained in olive oil will seep into your facial skin.

This will of course make your facial skin healthier and look fresher. This of course will add many things, such as:

  1. Increased confidence
  2. Can prevent skin damag
  3. Always fresh and vibrant in the move

4. Lifting dead skin cells

Maybe you will not realize whether there are dead skin cells on your facial skin. Therefore, the benefits of olive oil for the face that is used routinely, will lift all dead skin cells. These dead skin cells can make your facial skin become duller and less attractive.

How to use olive oil to lift and clean dead skin cells:
  1. Put 2 - 3 drops of olive oil into the cotton
  2. Apply olive oil to the face
  3. Dead skin cells will be lifted and clean

With your face condition free of dead skin cells, then your face will look fresh, brighter, more attractive, not dull and brighter.

5. Eliminate signs of premature aging

One age indicator that appears on the face is aging or aging. Usually there are two types that appear, namely premature aging, and also aging normally. Both forms of aging have the same symptoms, namely the appearance of a sign of wrinkles and fine lines, which will be clearly visible on the face.

There must be a lot of women who 'complicated' with this condition, and busy looking for aging cream that ccok for their facial skin. But, wait a minute. Instead of dizziness looking for a suitable anti-aging cream, you simply apply olive oil and massage it a little on the face that has aging. This will help reduce wrinkles - wrinkles on the face caused by the aging process.

6. Facial relaxation

Daily activity full of pressure can make the facial muscles become tense and the condition of the face becomes very not relaxed. To restore facial condition under normal circumstances, you can try using olive oil.

Apply a little olive oil on the face, then massage slowly all over your face. This will help your facial skin to reach the relaxation stage, so that the condition of your facial skin that was tense, can become more relaxed.

7. Eliminate eye bags

Eye puffs usually will appear when you experience things related to the portion of sleep. Those who only sleep in under 6 hours will have eye bags that are very disturbing appearance. Benefits of olive oil to the face on the part applied to the eye bags that appear, then the condition of the eye bags can be lost. It should be noted. This treatment can be done routinely, at least 2 times a day for maximum haslnya.

8. As sunscreen

Another benefit of olive oil for your facial skin is to be a sunscreen, aka sun blocker. Sunlight, which produces UV rays can cause various skin problems, such as:

  1. Dry skin
  2. Dull skin
  3. Skin is cracked
  4. Skin cancer

To avoid this, you can use olive oil in preventing UV radiation that can cause various skin problems

Other benefits:
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Best Benefits Of Olive Oil For Skin And Face - In addition, olive oil is also often used as a food ingredient europe and middle east to provide a more delicious taste and delicious in every dish made. That's some of the benefits of olive oil for your facial skin health. Hopefully this article useful.