28 Benefits of Baking Soda for Hair, Skin and Body

Benefits of Baking Soda for Hair, Skin and Body - Baking soda has been known only for making cakes, whereas for other benefits many people do not know what the benefits of baking soda are. Baking soda is a very popular pastry pastry. Baking soda in cake making can be used as cake dough developer. For example, sponge cake, pastries and many more.

Benefits of Baking Soda for Hair, Skin and Body

Characteristics of Baking Soda

Baking soda is different with baking proder. Never wrong in identifying it. Similarly, the dose, for baking powder when using more baking powder than baking soda. Berit this characteristic of baking soda:

  • If squeezed, baking soda powder feels rough. Even the taste is just like kanji starch.
  • If you feel baking soda has a bitter taste and bitter, while baking powder is not.

Baking soda is different from baking powder. Although both are used for cake developers, but baking soda is different from baking powder. Many people can not tell which baking soda and baking powder are. So we should be able to distinguish between baking soda and baking powder.

Nowadays people only know baking soda is beneficial to the process of making cakes. Though many benefits for baking for health and also for beauty. Even for a variety of household purposes, using baking soda. Using baking soda is cheaper and certainly more natural.

Here are the various benefits of baking soda that are not known by many people:

Benefits of Baking Soda for Hair, Skin and Body

Benefits of Baking Soda For Beauty

1. Acne Facial Treatment

Baking soda is useful for acne-prone skin care. Acne is not very good for appearance, it is because acne can make make up is not perfect. For the face of oily and acne, can now treat acne using baking soda. In addition to safe, baking soda is powerful enough to deflect acne and get rid of acne. The trick is the following:

  • Take two tablespoons of baking soda
  • Combine with a little water
  • Stir until thick and form paste dough
  • Apply baking soda that is like the pasta to acne
  • Allow to dry, then rinse with clean water

2. Whiten Skin

The benefits of baking soda can be useful to whiten the skin cause because, baking soda can lift dead skin cells in the face. If dead skin cells continue to be removed, consequently the face can be white and free from dead skin cells cause dullness. How to manufacture is as follows:

  • Mix two spoons of baking soda using soapy water
  • Apply to the facial skin
  • Massage slowly
  • When rinsing must use warm water

3. Skin Cleansing Soap

Baking soda can be used as a facial cleanser. The nature of baking soda can lift dead skin cells making it suitable for facial cleansers and facial bleach. The trick is as follows:
  • Combine baking soda together with water
  • Use it to wash your face while gently rubbing the facial surface

4. Eliminate Oil on Face

Baking soda can be used as a remover of oil on the face. If used to wash the face can make the face becomes a clean, shiny and also shiny.

5. Black Spot Removal

Many things that can cause black spots on the face, one of them is acne scars. Acne scars can not be lost if ignored alone. Must take care to remove the acne scars. Here's how to remove acne scars or stubborn black spots using baking soda:

  • One tablespoon of baking soda
  • Mix with a little water, try not to dilute
  • Apply to face except the eyes and lips, then let stand until dry or for 25 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.

6. Cleaning Dead Skin Cells

The skin is dull and not bright much caused by dead skin cells on the surface of the face. Dead skin cells that cause dull face because skin cells can not generated, so dead skin cells can not be replaced with new cells. How to use baking soda to remove dead skin cells on the skin surface is as follows:

  • Two tablespoons of baking soda
  • Combine it into two glasses of water
  • Mix well
  • Use it as a facial cleanser by using the liquid
  • Baking soda is exfoliant so that the skin feels soft and can lift dead skin cells on the surface of the face

7. Brighten the armpit skin

Baking soda can also be an antiperspirant that is considered to make the skin more radiant armpits. In addition to natural, compared with baking soda deodorant is safer and more nutritious than deodorant that has a material kima. Here's how to make natural underarm bleach that can be done at home:

  • Combine as many as 4 tablespoons baking soda
  • Apply to underarm skin

In addition to brighten the skin of armpit, baking soda can also make the armpits become fresh as well as the smell. The armpit will become cleaner than using a regular deodorant.

8. Clean Nails

Without doing pedicure and menicure, you can get healthy nail skin using only the benefits of baking soda. As a woman it is important to always maintain the health and beauty of her nails. How to use baking soda to clean the nails is as follows:

  • Take enough baking soda.
  • Combine with a little water.
  • Stir until baking soda dough and water can form a paste. Try in forming the paste dough is not too thick and also not too thin.
  • Massage fingernails as well as toenails using baking soda.
  • Baking soda can make the nail skin of the hands and nail skin will be clean and also white.

9. Natural Scrub

Scrub can use baking soda, this scrub can be applied to the face or to the body. The trick is to mix the benefits of baking soda using water. Apply on face or on skin of hand and foot skin, scrub from baking soda it can lift dead skin cells in skin of hand and facial skin.

10. Hair Conditioner

The benefits of baking soda can be used for hair gel or hair moisturizer. The trick is very easy, ie after shampooing use baking soda. Then rinse. The benefits of a baking soda conditioner used after shampooing can moisturize the hair naturally.

Benefits of Baking Soda For Health

1. Natural Muffler

The benefits of baking soda for health one of them is for a natural mouthwash. The content in baking soda can make the mouth fresh and clean, other than that the germs in the mouth will be lost and died. The trick is as follows:

  • Prepare a teaspoon of baking soda
  • Mix with 100 ml of water
  • Stir well
  • Use gargling during the morning or when going to bed

2. Mouth Mouth Remover

Baking soda can also be useful to eliminate bad breath. That's because baking soda can make germs and bacteria that cause bad breath to disappear. How to eliminate bad breath, the same way to make baking soda as a natural mouthwash.

3. Body Odor Remover

Body odor may be caused by armpits. The trick is to sprinkle baking soda on the armpit so that body odor will not appear and armpits will not sweat. Eliminating body odor can also be done by:

4. Treating Stomach Acid

For health, baking soda can be useful as a neutralizer of stomach acid so that people with increased gastric diseases can be treated using baking soda. The trick is as follows:

  • Mix as much as a quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda with boiled water
  • Drink three times a day
  • Mixed baking soda using warm water can be used as an antacid drug that can relieve or normalize stomach acid

5. Itchy Removal

The cause of itching is overwhelming, one of which is the itchiness caused by insect bites. Itching it would be very disturbing. How to remove insect bites itching is as follows:
  • Prepare 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • Mix it with a little water
  • Use a mixture of water and baking soda to rub an itchy part of the body
  • Let stand for a few minutes before rinsing

6. Reduce the Heat Effect of the Sun

The sun can cause skin to burn because of the fire. Not infrequently the sun can make the skin becomes sore and hot. Reduce the effects of heat and ill effects from sunburn can use baking soda. The cooling effect can make the heat effect of sunburn decrease. How to use is as follows:
  • Combine ice water using baking soda
  • Dip the towel into the water of the bath
  • Compresses on skin exposed to sunburn or to skin that feels hot

7. Teeth Whitening

The content in the benefits of baking soda can be to whiten teeth. Compared to whitening teeth in the beauty salon, you can use a more natural and cheaper baking soda. The way of bleaching is very easy, the way is as follows:

  • 1 fruit of strawberry benefits that have been ripe softened
  • Mix it with half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • Apply a mixture of strawberries with baking soda to the tooth surface
  • Let stand for five minutes
  • Once silenced, brush your teeth and then rinse thoroughly
  • Do it for once a week, do not overdo it
  • If excessive there will be side effects. The side effects are damage in the top layer of the tooth or the enamel layer of the tooth.

8. Refresh Exhausted Feet

Tired feet can be refreshed using baking soda. Fatigued legs can create a feeling of aches and discomfort. Therefore, if you feel the aches and feet are not comfortable, indicating that your feet are tired. How to overcome tired feet are as follows:

  • Prepare a tablespoon of baking soda
  • Combine with warm water
  • Mix well
  • After flattening, soak in warm water bath with baking soda
  • Let stand for 30 minutes until the water immersion turns cold
  • You can also do gentle massage on both your legs
  • Drain your feet on a towel, rub it dry and apply body lotion

Benefits of Baking Soda For Household Use

1. Toilet Cleaning

For domestic purposes, the benefits of baking soda can be used as toilet cleaners. Baking soda can reduce dirt and germs in the toilet, so the toilet can be free of germs and bacterial diseases. The trick is as follows:

  • Sprinkle baking soda powder into the toilet
  • Brush using toilet brush evenly
  • Flush

2. Fire Extinguisher

Baking soda can be used to extinguish the fire more quickly. The trick is:
  • Pour the baking soda into the bottle
  • Prepare in the kitchen
  • When the fire gets out of the way, you can pour the baking soda powder on the fire

3. Stain Cleanser

Baking soda can be used to clean stubborn stains, especially stubborn stains on clothes. The trick is as follows:
  • Prepare a quarter cup of baking soda
  • Combine with detergent
  • Then use to wash the existing clothing of the stain

4. Fruit and Vegetable Cleaners

Baking soda can also be used to clean fruits and vegetables, so the benefits of fruits and vegetables that are cleared will be free from pesticides. The benefits of baking soda can be used to remove bacteria that also attach to the fruit of vegetable. The trick is as follows:
  • Combine baking soda with water
  • Soak fruit and vegetables in a mixture of water and baking soda

5. Household Channel Cleaner

Sewers are not infrequently clogged with garbage. To clean can use baking soda the way is to sprinkle a cup of baking soda and a bottle of water that contains hot water to the sewer. The drains can be free of waste and become normal again.

6. Cleaning the Napkin

Inside the house, there are many duster cleaning cloths as well as household utensils such as plates and glasses. The cleaning cloth is called a napkin or a washcloth. Dust attached to a duster, can not be neutralized or removed using ordinary water. You can use baking soda to remove dust and also remove stains attached to the cloth napkin. The trick is to soak the napkins in the soaking water that has been mixed with baking soda.

7. Microwave Cleaner

Microwave will be difficult to clean, especially if in the microwave contained food that has been sticky and then dry. The benefits of baking soda can clean up the leftovers that are usually attached to the microwave. The trick is very easy. The trick is with:

  • Poured baking soda powder and mixed using hot water
  • Heat in microwave for two minutes
  • Using this microwave is more practical and easier to clean than using other, more complicated and more difficult ways than this.

8. Eliminate Odor

Baking soda can also be used as an odor remover. Odor can exist anywhere, especially in the refrigerator, can use baking soda. The trick is with:

  • Poured baking soda in an open container
  • If it were so, baking soda can neutralize the smell that is in the cupboard
  • Not only that baking soda can also keep the freshness of the food as well as drinks that are in the ice cupboard

9. Jewelry Cleaner

The gold and silver luster will be easily lost. To restore the luster, you can use the benefits of baking soda the way is by rubbing the baking soda into gold and jewelry you have. Let stand for five minutes, clean it with water. Jewelry will return shiny as usual.

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10. Remove the burnt stains

The bottom of the cooking pan or the bottom of the cookware is prone to burnt or charred. To restore the beauty and smoothness of the cooking utensil, you can use baking soda. The trick is:

  • Rub the sponge wire into a baking soda powder
  • Then rub it on the cooking utensil that stains burnt or charred
  • Add a little vinegar benefit, the charred stain will also disappear in an instant

Benefits of Baking Soda for Hair, Skin and Body - This method is suitable and can be used for mothers who want to restore the graduation of cooking utensil again.