25 Health Benefits of Apple Juice

Health Benefits of Apple Juice - Apple tree is one type of plant that can adapt to the cool weather even at cold temperatures. The same red and green apples contain the nutrients needed to improve and maintain a healthy body.

Health Benefits of Apple Juice

Nutritional content in apples

Have a fairly complete vitamin content:

  1. Vitamin A of 98 IU
  2. Vitamin B1 or Thiamin 0.031 mg
  3. Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin 0.047 mg
  4. Vitamin B3 or Niacin 0.091 mg
  5. Vitamin B5 or pentothenic acid 0.0111 mg
  6. Vitamin B9 or folate 5 mcg
  7. Vitamin C 8.4 mg
  8. Vitamin K 4mcg
  9. Vitamin E 0.33 mg
  10. Calcium 6 mg
  11. 0.12 mg of iron
  12. Magnesium 5 mg
  13. Phosphorus 11 mg
  14. Potassium 107 mg
  15. Zinc 0.05 mg
  16. Carbohydrate 13.8 gr
  17. Natural glucose levels 10.39 gr
  18. Natural fiber 2.4 gr
  19. Monounsaturated fats 0.1 g
  20. Protein 0.26 gr
  21. The content of water pasa one apple 85.56 gr
  22. Sodium 1mg
  23. Baron substance 1 mg
  24. Substance quercetin 1 mg

Here are the real benefits that exist in apples are used as a healthy juice to improve the health of the body, as follows:

Health Benefits of Apple Juice

1. Improves damage and improves digestive health

High fiber content in apples can improve the damage of the digestive wall due to inflammation or infection. The fiber is able to absorb water in the intestine and clean it, then launched the process of digestion.

2. Can prevent diabetes

Sari from apple nutrients can prevent diabetes because nutrients are able to neutralize insulin levels in the body and neutralize excessive sugar levels.

3. Act as a powerful antioxidant

Apple contains quercetin which acts as a powerful antioxidant to strengthen the body's immunity so that the body does not get sick easily just because of fatigue and lack of sleep.

4. Fix cell brain cells

Nutrition in apples can be healthy and refreshing brain cells and improve memory and prevent a person suffering from forgetfulness or Alzheimer's disease.

5. Prevent eye exposed to cataracts

Vitamin A and is supported with a complete mineral substance in apples. Can maintain eye tissue health and prevent the risk of eye exposure to cataracts about 20 to 20 percent if consumed for years or regularly.

6. Prevent the growth of cancer cells

Apples skin contains triterpenoids substances that are able to resist the growth of cancer cell cells in the breast, colon, prostate and liver.

7. Increase bone density and teeth

Apples have calcium content that can increase bone density and strength as well as teeth. Where the calcium can protect the bone from fractures, cracks, bruises and other injuries due to collision or heavy object strike.

8. Can stabilize body weight

Nutrients that exist in the benefits of apple juice can lose weight if consumed regularly. Vitamin C in it has the ability to stabilize body weight that is balanced so as not to happen again accumulation of fat in the body.

9. Stabilize cholesterol levels in the body

Fiber in apples can control and bind the bad fats and then processed to be destroyed through digestive enzymes and then thrown away the entire waste in the form of feces.

10. Maintain urinary tract health

All the mineral substances and fibers present in the apple can work together to clear the urinary tract from various blockages and bacterial attacks resulting from food or free radicals.

11. Ward off free radicals

Vitamin C, flavonoids and polyphenols present in apples can act as powerful antioxidants to fight the entry of bacteria, germs, viruses that combine with free radicals.

12. Prevent heart disease

Apples have phytochemical substances that act as powerful antioxidants. To suppress the amount of excess cholesterol in order not to clog and block the blood vessels around the heart, so that the heart is always in a healthy condition.

13. Prevent dehydration of the body

A body that is exhausted or tired because doing sports that take a lot of energy will usually experience a lack of fluids in the body. Water that is on the apple can replace the lost body ions and able to refresh the body's cells so that stamina can return to normal.

14. Improve dental health

The benefits of apple juice can stimulate and multiply saliva production in the mouth which is useful for controlling the growth of bacteria in the mouth so as not to breed, so that the teeth are clean and protect the gums from inflammation caused by bacterial attack.

15. Stabilize the estrogen hormone in women

Apples have a baron substance that is useful to control, control and stabilize the amount of estrogen in the body of a woman so that her body is always in top shape and fit.

16. Best friends for people with diabetes

Sugar levels in apples are very natural and do not cause sugar levels in the body increases. For diabetics who love the sweet taste of the fruit. Should consume apples that as a daily intake of safe nutrients.

17. Prevent asthma

The complete nutrients in the apple can stimulate the entry of more oxygen through the nasal cavity. Stimulates the respiratory system to always be smooth and blood circulation around the lung wall more smoothly so as to prevent asthma attacks.

18. Protect your lungs

Full nutrition can protect the lungs from toxic attacks resulting from food, cigarette use, anti-pain medications and free radical effects. Then the lung performance can work normally without any blockage of blood flow and oxygen.

19. Can nourish the deepest skin tissue

The complete vitamin in apples can work together with other mineral substances to repair damaged skin cell cells, can increase the amount of collagen under the skin and protect the skin from free radicals due to sun exposure resulting in the deepest skin tissue, smoothness, suppleness and health Stay awake well.

20. Can cure anemia disease

For someone who has just recovered from illness, a woman who has just finished giving birth, a woman who is having periods, or for people who are suffering from acute anemia better consume apple juice 2 times a day. Complete nutrition in the apple is able to cure anemia or less blood quickly.

21. Protect sensitive skin

Sensitive skin can be susceptible to allergies caused by dust, vehicle smoke and other benbas radicals including the adverse effects of sunlight that makes skin burn and excitable. Vitamins A, C, E and some complete minerals contained in apples can be the best antioxidants to protect sensitive skin to stay healthy and avoid allergies.

22. Able to accelerate the process of drying the wound

Vitamins A, C and E can join and work as powerful antioxidants to speed up the process of drying and healing against open wounds and killing bacteria or viruses within the wound.

23. Suppress excess oil production on facial skin

Mineral substances and vitamin substances present in apples can balance the skin pH and maintain skin moisture from dryness with the condition of skin oil is always balanced. Too much oil on the surface of facial skin will only trigger acne because the excess oil tends to bind dirt, sweat and bacteria from the air around.

24. Can be an anti aging therapy

In order to avoid faces of fine wrinkles and dullness and dryness then the consumption of apple juice every day, because vitamin E, C and A can join to fight free radicals, as the cause of the face looks older than the actual age. Combined daari vitamin E, C and E is also able to repair and strengthen skin cells to stay tight and supple. Eliminate the pale black color on the eyes circle so that the face looks youthful.

25. Can accelerate blood clotting

The vitamin K content found in apples can speed up blood clots in severe open wounds and secrete a lot of blood. Yanag skin tear with a depth of the wound over 2 cm can cause a person weak and fainted because of the amount of blood that came out. Vitamin K can form the wound tissue to become covered, the blood thickens and stops the bleeding quickly.

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The uniqueness of the apple

Not only does the benefits of apple juice are very good for the body, but there are some things that become uniqueness in apples, which not everyone knows!

The content of vitamin A in apples was more than 50 percent of guava fruit, carrots and citrus fruits. It can be said that apples have the highest vitamin A content.

Most people when making apple juice always use sugar or sugar cane as a sweetener taste so that the quality tastes more tempting, but healthier if making apple juice using honey as a sweetener to avoid diabetes.

Green apples contain the most potassium and abundant substances of red apples, which potassium substances are useful to prevent organs to avoid damage, such as muscle tissue, bone, nerves and so on.

Green apples contain more water and are more acidic than red apples, but it is actually a green apple that can more quickly stimulate saliva production to work to protect the oral cavity from bacterial attacks and clean the dirt that passes on the layer of teeth.

If eating or making apples do not ever throw away the skin, because in the skin has anti-cancer substances that can effectively fight cancer cells. Where the substance is called triterpenoids that can prevent and destroy the growth of cancer cell cells in the body tissues.

Apple juice is not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator, but immediately drink and spend so that the nutrients in it are not oxidized by the air that can reduce vitamin levels and reduce the benefits for health.

How can children like the famous green apple juice has a more acidic taste than a red apple?

Red Apple juice is sweet but it turns out many children do not like green apples that have a more acidic taste, but the nutritional value is as big as the red apple.

In order for children to love green apples that tend to acid better give a true understanding that green apples have nutritional content that the body needs as much benefit as red apples.

Health Benefits of Apple Juice - Do not let children have the notion that red apples are more useful than green apples, let them know how green apples attract more of them by mixing green apple juice with red apples lalaau mixing milk and honey, they'll like it.