15 Health Benefits of Wheat

Health Benefits of Wheat - Wheat has been known as a healthy food that is highly recommended, especially as a staple food for daily consumption. Wheat is regarded as a kind of carbohydrate that is useful as a main food like our white rice consumption. In Indonesia the habit of eating white rice as a staple food is ingrained, but actually wheat is also a good staple food alternative.

Health Benefits of Wheat

Here are the benefits of good grain for the body.

Health Benefits of Wheat

1. Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

Wheat is rich in magnesium, which is a mineral that acts as a co-factor for more than 300 enzymes. This enzyme is involved in the functional use of the insulin body and the secretion of glucose. Foods containing wheat at least 51% and also low in saturated fat and cholesterol, means lowering the risk of coronary disease and some types of cancer. In addition, regular consumption of wheat promotes healthy blood sugar control. People who suffer from diabetes can maintain sugar levels by replacing rice with wheat.

2. Reduce Chronic Inflammation

Wheat can help in the prevention of chronic inflammation, which is also found in the benefits of spinach. Inflammation is a major constituent in most types of arthritic pain. Thus, eating whole grains in a healthy and active amount reduces inflammation. The consumption of betaine affects a number of aspects in our body chemistry that assure lower risk of chronic inflammation and other diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, cognitive decline, and type-2 diabetes.

3. Prevent Gallstones

In various surveys by the American Journal of Gastroenterology, it has been shown that whole wheat breads and cereals help women to avoid gallstones. Wheat is rich in soluble fiber, which lowers the secretion of bile acids. Excess bile acid is the main cause of gallstone formation. In addition to wheat can also be added soluble fiber from the benefits of certain fruits and vegetables such as cucumber benefits, apple tomatoes, pears. And beans.

4. Increase Body Metabolism

Grains such as wheat are very effective in patients with metabolic disorders. The types of metabolic syndrome including visceral obesity, high triglycerides, low levels of HDL cholesterol and high blood pressure can be protected by wheat. Doctors recommend eating whole wheat bread and other fiber-rich foods. Wheat diet is probably the most effective, fast, and fun way to reduce the metabolic syndrome of the body.

5. Preventing Asthma In Children

The American Lung Association, says that about 20 million Americans have asthma. Studies have suggested that grains and fish in some children, may decrease the likelihood of asthma. The International Study of Allergy and Asthma in children is evidenced through many studies that wheat based diets have the capacity to decrease the chances of getting asthma by almost 50%. During the survey, given a special diet of wheat, fish and grains and showed a nearly 66% reduction in the possibility of asthma.

6. Fighting Breast Cancer

Research in the UK found that a diet rich in fiber is very important for women to keep breast cancer. Foods from grains such as wheat and fruits provide significant protection for pre-menopausal women against breast cancer.

The study says that about 30 grams of wheat are consumed daily, enough for women to reduce the risk of breast cancer. The report said that pre-menopausal women who consumed wheat had a 41% decreased risk of breast cancer compared to those who ate fiber in other forms.

7. Control Obesity (especially in women)

Wheat has a natural ability to control weight in everyone, but this ability is more prominent for women. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests wheat studies are a good choice for obese patients. Women who consume long-term wheat products show weight loss much better than other foods.

8. The Most Powerful Diet Menu

Wheat can be used as the most powerful diet menu for those of you who want to maintain a full intake of nutrients without adding weight.

9. Heart Health

One source of healthy food for the heart is wheat, many serals are made from wheat to keep the nutrients and heart health. For example, oatmeal used by people with heart disease.

10. Source of Nutrition & Minerals

Do not get me wrong .. wheat also has nutrients that are not inferior to other eating, it turns out he has various content such as vitamin B, E, copper, zinc, and manganese.

Other Benefits of Wheat:
  • Good for fetal brain development
  • Prevention of anemia
  • Very good for skin health

Nutritional Value On Wheat

Wheat is rich in catalytic elements, mineral salts, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, arsenic, silicon, manganese, zinc, iodide, copper, vitamin B and vitamin E. This nutrient richness is why wheat is often used as a food or food base Principal. As a staple food, wheat is a type of carbohydrate high in fiber so healthy digestion is considered better than other types of carbohydrates.

Healthy Diet With Wheat

Various diet programs run by some people, aiming to lose weight to be more ideal, for that many are using wheat for the diet. Wheat that has been processed into bread or oatmeal can be combined with various vegetables and low-fatt milk benefits that are applied to the meal.

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Health Benefits of Wheat - Various types of snacks that come from wheat also have a lot we get like wheat biscuits with fruit jam. Here is a menu of foods for those who want to try the benefits of wheat for a diet:
  • Breakfast: 2 sheets of whole wheat bread with chicken breast fillet,
  • Lunch: Red rice with a combination of various vegetables (broccoli soup or asparagus)
  • Dinner: Low-fatted milk with a few pieces of wheat biscuit