Health Benefits of Carrots For Eyes

Health Benefits of Carrots For Eyes - One of the most vulnerable organs affected if not guarded is the eye. Do you have friends with glasses? Well he has become one of the people affected by eye disease. The main problem if he is still young is the eye minus. As for the adults that the eye plus, well to avoid this we can use the benefits of carrots for the eyes that can be consumed on a regular basis.

In short people who have minus eyes (miopi) are not able to see objects or objects in a long distance. So require the help of concave lens glasses. As for the adults who have eye plus (hipermetropi) using convex glasses. Because he can not see the object in close range.

In addition to these common problems, there are usually those known as old or farsighted eyes. He was unable to see clearly the object either near or far. Because the power of the eye is unable to focus again. There's also something about teenagers, a blur of vision. This is because the eye condition is tired, but still used to work.

Health Benefits of Carrots For Eyes

Health Benefits of Carrots For Eyes

Nutrition in Carrots

The content in carrots is unquestionable. Many nutrients are very useful in each fruit. Complektisitas owned suitable as a drink, snack food (some people like to eat raw carrots directly) and vegetables.

Its nutritional content is rich in calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamin A, vitamin B1 and vitamin C. There are also minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, beta carotene, and iron.

This food is also called a source of vitamin A. Because the amount of 12,000 penununai SI.

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Reduce the Risk of Dusk

The most common benefit of carrots for the eyes is to cope with night blindness. The most common disease occurs in the elderly, ie experiencing night blindness. Because the light at that time reduces the sharpness of the eye to look out. One solution is with substances that contain lots of vitamin A for eye health. Do not forget also beta carotene which helps improve vision is getting weaker. All the ingredients are in carrots.

Carrots have been known since yore is very powerful to maintain eye health. No wonder many parents who rely on this vegetable if they do not want their children exposed to myopic eyes.

Keeping Eyes From Various Diseases

One organ that is quite risky, so it needs to be maintained and cared for. You can start by eating carrots for eye health. This content is also able to prevent the occurrence of swelling of cells around the eye area. There are many eye diseases that can be prevented by the consumption of carrots regularly, here are some of them:
  1. Cataract
  2. Glaucoma
  3. myopic eyes

Preventing Cancer Risk. Another benefit that you get is as an anti-cancer. The content of beta carotene and anti oxidants is very fitting to inhibit the growth and development of cancer cells.

Controlling Cholesterol. Saturated fat that is evil does interfere with body function. He is usually even able to trigger other diseases such as heart and blood vessel constriction. Therefore cholesterol levels should be kept low. One substance that is able to control is the content of beta carotene in carrots.

Passive smoker. Being a passive smoker is very difficult to avoid. Especially for those of you who live in the cigarette environment. Although personally you do not menyuluk smoking cigarette lighter, but the habit of becoming a victim of cigarette smoke can not be avoided. So to beat the pollutants in the body you need to consume beta carotene. The substance is in the carrot content.

Looks Younger. The benefit if you continue to eat carrots is to keep your skin looking younger. Because the benefits are able to ward off free radicals. So that will reduce the process of shortcomings.

Leather Food. Your skin dry? Yep dry skin cause for lack of nutrition. The solution is by eating foods that have potassium content. These nutrients are good and suitable as your skin food.

Streamlining Digestion. Your habit of consuming less vegetables is difficult CHAPTER (defecation). This is due to lack of fiber in your body. So the food is difficult to be processed and the trip and the old absorbent. For that consume carrots rich in fiber.

Treating Acne. Adolescents are most prone to acne. his many activities under the hot sun make excessive oil production. If in a dirty face, can cause acne. one overcome it by drinking carrot juice. Because the kandunganya able to control oil production.

Minimize Heart Risk. Are you afraid of heart disease? One way to cope with consumption is always carrot juice. Nice every day in the morning. Because the kandunganya rich in anti-oxidants. So as to repel free radicals. Another function is to help to increase the rate of blood flow in the heart.

Helps Healing. When it falls, there are cells in the body that are damaged. So it must be replaced new cell. For that you need a substance that is able to accelerate the process of replacing new cells. In order for the healing process is also faster. One of them by consuming carrots.

Reduce Loss. The loss of one of the vital issues of women that can reduce the level of confidence. Many causes such as dandruff, mis-treatment, or rarely shampoo. Then you have to take care of hair, both from inside and outside. If from the outside as often shampoo every other day and giving vitamins hair. While from the inside can routinely drink carrot juice. The content of beta carotene and vitamin A can make hair growth healthy. In addition, blood circulation that flows into the scalp area will be more normal with the help of both substances.

Increasing Immunity Ever accidentally bit your lips or tongue? This is one indication that you are in a state of tiredness. The most affecting fatigue is the immune system. A system that guards you when you are sick. So if you want to stay healthy, improve and improve the immune system. One way to eat carrots. The content of substances that can increase the immune system is vitamin C and anti oxidants. Its function is able to ward off free radicals from outside.

Helps Growth. Although not too much influence, carrots also help in the growth process. One of the minerals that plays an important role is calcium. Its content functions for the formation of bones and teeth. Even if you have a high calcium condition in the body, it will reduce the risk of Osteoporosis.

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Health Benefits of Carrots For Eyes - The benefits of carrots for the eyes is quite high, but for health is also not less. Thus are some of the ingredients and nutrients contained in carrots. Lots of benefits, lots of content. For those of you who feel dislike, let alone a woman, to try to start liking it. Because this substance kandunganya very vital for your body.