15 Benefits Of Ice Cubes On Facial Skin

Benefits Of Ice Cubes On Facial Skin - Surely we are familiar with this one thing is not it. Ice cubes are usually used for a mixture of juice, tea, and various other types of fresh drinks. In addition to refreshing the body while drunk, ice cubes are also efficacious for beauty.

Benefits Of Ice Cubes On Facial Skin
Every woman would crave to have a smooth facial skin and free from acne disorders. They usually do beauty treatments in the salon or even can spend money is not small just to get a smooth skin and look radiant, because it will support his confidence.

However, do you know that there is a simple and relatively cheap way that we can use to make our skin smooth and free of acne? Yes, just by using ice cubes, that we can get.

Ok, let's look at some of the benefits of the following ice cubes:

Benefits Of Ice Cubes On Facial Skin

Ice cubes can treat acne

Everyone must have felt acne instead? It turns out ice cubes can eliminate this one skin disorder. Chill on ice cubes can calm the area around the acne and can reduce the oil content in our face.


The trick is to gently massage the affected part of acne by using ice cubes for 10 s / d 15 minutes. This method can reliably reduce the swelling due to acne and help mengempeskannya.

Eliminate acne stains

When the straw begins to disappear, not necessarily acne scars will also disappear. This acne scars will cause black marks on your face, and this will certainly affect the appearance is not it ?. Lots of products on the market that offer anti-stain on the skin, but of course the products are made from chemicals.

If you do not want to take risks to these chemicals, you can use ice cubes to overcome the stains of jerwata.

How to use :

The trick is to regularly compress the face ice cement premises for 15 minutes. The effect you will get is, the former acne stains fade and your facial skin feels fresh.

Can shrink the skin pores

In addition to acne, large pores are also a problem that greatly affects the appearance. If it is not clean when cleansing, dirt will remain attached to the face, and this will be more prone to cause acne growing.

To solve the problem of large pores, we can utilize ice cubes. Cold ice cold sensation is believed to help shrink the pores of the facial skin.

How to use:

Way, compress / rub your face using ice cubes on a regular basis, it can help shrink your skin pores.

Brighten skin

The trick is to mix cucumber or strawberry that has been destroyed / blended. Freeze to ice. Apply on face regularly once a week. Mixture of such ingredients can be an exfloating scrub that can be efficacious to brighten your skin. Effects for this skin can also be obtained with the benefits of water

Provides a fresh sensation in facial skin

During the summer, facial skin can also be dehydrated, this causes the skin feels dry and dull. Or when you are in a hurry and do not have time to use makeup on your face. Ice cubes can be an alternative to help you look as beautiful and beautiful as you wear makeup.

How to use :

To help solve it, try rubbing your face with ice cubes. The ice cold effect can help restore freshness to your face.

Overcoming swollen eyes

Lack of sleep or after crying will have a swelling effect on your eyes. Of course it will affect the appearance.

How to use:

The trick is wrap ice cubes with a soft cloth. Compress the ice on the eyes regularly in the morning.

Overcoming dark circles on the eyes

Often the dark circles of the eyes disturb the appearance of a woman. It will look tired and sick to you.

How to use it:

To overcome it rebus rose water, then mix it with a cucumber that has been in the blender, then freeze in the frezer. Once frozen, rub / ice cubes on your eyes. The circumferences under your eyes will slowly fade.

Overcoming oily skin

Oily skin is one of the problems that must be overcome to make your face look dazzling. And ice cubes can be useful for reducing excess oil on the face. The benefits of facial facial and stale tea benefits can also help the oily skin process.

How to use:

The trick is to diligently compress the face by using ice cubes for a week. This can help keep fat cells under control.

Inhibits premature aging

Ice cubes are believed to improve blood circulation in the face. This will certainly help the skin become radiant, natural healthy so it can prevent premature aging of facial skin and reduce wrinkles on the face.

The trick is to regularly apply / compress the face with ice cubes.

Overcome the rash on the face

The heat of the sun often results in a rash on the face and makes the face feel like a burn. This will make your face reddish. To overcome this, try to compress the face with ice cubes, the cold sensation can help alleviate the onset of the rash.

Make make up durable

Large pores will cause the makeup you wear to quickly fade. For that, before wearing makeup, some beauty experts suggest to compress the face with ice cubes before you bermake up. This will give your makeup makeup last longer.

Softens and brightens the lips

Lips that look bright, supple and soft will certainly support the appearance of a woman. Lips that look dark occur due to several factors, such as exposure to sunlight, smoking habits, and unhealthy lifestyles.

To help overcome the dull lips, you can use ice cubes. The trick by rubbing ice cubes regularly on the lips, slowly the lips will appear brighter, supple and soft.

Being a natural lip moisturizer

Cracked and dry lips also greatly affect the appearance of a woman. This happens because of the lack of fluid intake in your body.

To moisten the lips, usually the women use lip balm that cost quite expensive. The simple thing we can do to overcome dry and cracked lips is to rub ice cubes on the lips. Imbangilah with enough drinking water and vitamins. This will make your lips feel moist and healthy.

Overcoming tired eyes

After doing all day activities, of course you will feel tired. Take some ice cubes, then compress into the eyes. This will give a calming effect on your eyes.

Removes hair on the face

The growth of hair / fine hairs on the face a bit much will definitely interfere with your appearance. To remove it, you can use ice cubes. That is by massaging the face with ice cubes, then use a facial scrub. It takes a long time to remove the hair that grows on the face, for that you have to be patient and routinely perform the way it was. This ice cubes will help remove the gray hairs in the face gradually.

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Benefits Of Ice Cubes On Facial Skin - Thus are some of the benefits that we can get from ice cubes for skin beauty. Hope you can help.