14 Health Benefits of Collagen

Health Benefits of Collagen - Collagen is a type of protein made up of amino acids that connect and support the tissues of the human body. Approximately 33% of protein in the body is collagen, while for human skin tissue itself 75 percent is formed rather than collagen.

Health Benefits of Collagen

The following describes the benefits of collagen for the human body, namely:

Health Benefits of Collagen

1. Skin

It has been mentioned that 75% of human skin is formed rather than collagen. In addition to the material support and help maintain healthy skin, collagen consumption was also useful to tighten the skin because the contents of collagen helps maintain skin elasticity. In addition, collagen can also prevent premature aging because it can revive the skin cells so that, look younger. If you feel problematic with the wrinkles that usually appear around the face, consuming collagen is the solution, because the lack of collagen in the skin itself is the cause of the appearance of these lines wrinkles.

2. Brain

Collagen network is a very important network with its duties as a supporter to provide nutrition for our brains. Dizziness, forgetfulness, loss of memory, even insomnia is a sign that indicates the possible shortage of collagen tissue so the brain does not get enough nutrition. In addition, the lack of collagen tissue in the brain can inhibit the central nerves in brain cells which can then cause a person to become difficult to concentrate until the depression.

3. Eyes

Collagen helps flex the eye muscles so our eyes can work well. Especially when young, where in the cornea of ​​a person there are many collagen is very useful to help keep the eyes. Collagen helps optimize vision so it works normally. Lack of collagen can cause dry eyes, kelehahan, until cataracts and other eye diseases.

4. Hair

Collagen consumption also provides benefits for the growth of our hair. How not, collagen was able to help overcome the problem of hair loss. Collagen helps strengthen hair health and accelerate hair growth so that your hair loss problem will soon be overcome with hair that immediately grow back as well as a nutritious for the hair.

5. Immune System

In order to increase endurance, you not only need vitamins only. Collagen was also able to help improve a person's body resistance so it is not susceptible to disease. In fact, the content of collagen is consumed can increase 100 times your immune power. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly consume foods that contain collagen regularly.

6. Digestive System

Lack of collagen can cause disruption of your gastrointestinal tract such as flatulence to diabetes.

7. Body Circulation System

Lack of collagen in the body can affect the circulatory system so that it can destabilize blood pressure, increased blood cholesterol, and blood circulation becomes slow. Lack of collagen makes you vulnerable to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

8. Endocrine System

Collagen has an important role in maintaining the human endocrine system. Lack of collagen can cause disruption in women in the form of breast slack, menstrual disorders, and increase the risk of breast cancer. While in men, lack of collagen can affect the problem of premature ejaculation and impotence.

9. Nails

For those of you who have problems in the nails which appear white spots on the nails, collagen helps eliminate these spots for specks itself appear when someone shortage of collagen. In addition, collagen also helps strengthen your nails so it is not easily broken.

10. Muscles

Collagen fibers play a role in helping to strengthen the muscles and structure to function properly. Collagen not only helps strengthen skeletal muscles but also plays an important role for smooth muscle in human organs such as heart muscle, muscle in reproductive organs, and muscles present in the bladder. Back pain, tingling of the shoulders and minimal muscle contraction is a sign of a person lacking collagen in his muscles.

11. Joints

Consuming collagen on a regular basis can help solve joint problems such as pain. This is because the contents of collagen helps provide flexibility in the tendon so that joint work can be lighter. Not only that, collagen also acts as a cartilage material in joints.

12. Bones

For bone, collagen acts like a glue adhesive so the bones can be firmly connected to the joint. Collagen is also part of the bone constituent itself along with the mineral hydroxyapatite that binds the bone structure and makes the bones more flexible to form a good body. In order to maintain bone health, collagen consumption is as important as calcium consumption. In addition to helping prevent osteoporosis, collagen can also help relieve bone pain.

13. Teeth

The consumption of collagen helps strengthen the teeth, while if the lack of collagen will make teeth easily lose the benefits of calcium which then raises various problems both on the teeth and gums.

14. Blood Vessels

To form a wall of blood vessels be it veins, arteries and capillaries, the body requires collagen. In addition to forming, collagen also serves to maintain the structure and flexibility than the blood vessels. Not only that, collagen is also needed to smooth the flow of blood throughout the body.

Collagen Resources Easily Available

Once the importance of collagen for the human body from the tip of the hair to various important organs, we should diligently consume collagen-containing foods and drinks with a routine every day. Here are the sources of collagen that we can get, namely:

Consumption of bua containing Vitamin C and Antioxidant

In fruits that contain vitamin C and antioxidant benefits such as apples, strawberries, guava, grapes, carrots, tomatoes, oranges, papaya, and so forth. In addition to containing vitamins and antioxidants, these fruits are also a source of high collagen. The content of lycopene in the benefits of tomatoes even help the body against the enzyme colagonase, which is a form of compounds that can destroy collagen in the body. Consuming tomatoes means we have fighters against these harmful enzymes.

Consumption of vegetables containing vitamin C and vitamin K

Not only in fruits, collagen is also found in vegetables that contain vitamin C and vitamin K benefits such as cabbage, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, garlic, broccoli, and peppers. So, when consuming these vegetables not only benefit from vitamins but also benefit from the collagen contained in it.

Consume foods containing Omega 3

Omega 3 sources are tuna, salmon, mackerel and eggs. However, foods that contain the benefits of omega 3 also contain lots of collagen in it. While omega 3 itself is very beneficial for the body because it is a good type of fat, collagen is equally useful for the body as described above.

Consuming soybeans

To get collagen, we are also encouraged to consume various preparations from the benefits of soy such as tempeh, tofu, cheese, and milk. It is even known that the tempe which is the original product of Indonesia has been named as one of the healthiest foods in the world.

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Health Benefits of Collagen - Actually, collagen itself is already in the human body. However, as we get older, naturally the levels of collagen in the human body will also decrease, so the consumption of food alone will not be enough so that not infrequently we need additional intake. Therefore, meet the needs of collagen by taking additional supplements of collagen, in the form of injections, even cosmetics. But of course, the most recommended and most recommended is to consume collagen from a natural source only.