28 Health Benefits of Donating Blood

Health Benefits of Donating Blood - Benefits of blood donor for health there are more 28 properties? do not believe, let's review one by one. Blood donor activities are seen as positive nan positive activities that can help others. Because blood donors help those who need unconditional blood. It can be said that blood donation activity is done voluntarily or uselessly. But sometimes not so, blood donors are also being undertaken for a precarious situation. Where one family member needs a lot of blood, but the hospital does not have the stock.

Blood donors are not only beneficial to the recipient. The donor also gets tremendous benefits from donating blood regularly. At least it has been medically proven and approved by many experts. The results prove, blood donors will feel the quality of life that increased from before. Not only that, some of the benefits of blood donation is good for beauty.

Health Benefits of Donating Blood

Health Benefits of Donating Blood

Blood Donor For Receiver (Resipien)

As mentioned above, blood donation is beneficial to many people, whether recipients or donors. For the recipient of course he could be helped his life due to certain conditions that forced him to get a blood transfusion. Such blood transfusions can be done in some cases, such as.
  1. Patients with dengue fever
  2. Victims of accidents who suffer from blood loss in large quantities
  3. Patients with thalassemia major
  4. Patients with certain diseases who have to undergo major surgery
  5. Major bleeding that occurs at delivery by most Indonesian women
Thalassemia major is a fairly rare disease actually. This disease causes the sufferer can not produce itself haemoglobin in the body. Generally patients experience it from birth or childhood. This is why thalassemia major is also called a lifelong disease, where sufferers also require periodic blood transfusions. The body certainly can not function normally as any other child.

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** Save the Lives of Others **
Blood donations will greatly help save the lives of others who need donors, especially those who are dying and in need of sudden surgery. It is important to Charity and worship to increase the reward of the world and the hereafter.

In addition to beneficial to the recipient, in fact blood donors also provide benefits for the donors. At least there are some benefits that are often perceived by donors, that is.

Blood donors for donor health

1. Protect the heart

Those who actively donate blood certainly will find a much healthier heart. American Journal of Epidemiology discloses scientific results from it. Research shows that active blood donors tend to be at lower risk of heart disease. Blood donors have an 88% lower risk of getting attacked or heart disease. Not only that, they also reduce the risk up to 33% suffer from other cardiovascular diseases. Proven not, this noble act is not only beneficial to the recipient only?

2. Decrease the risk of cancer

Consistency of blood donation should be maintained, considering the body will always feel the benefits. For a man, do blood donation every 3 months, while for women, you can do it every 4 months. The risk of getting cancer will decrease with the consistent level of the blood donor in question. They may be spared from lung, stomach, throat, and colon cancers.

3. Helps lower blood levels of iron

Iron is the iron contained in the circulation of every person's blood. Every time someone does a blood donor, this activity proves to lower the level of iron in the body. Decrease in iron means reducing the risk of heart disease or other cardiovascular. The benefits of iron are known to speed up the cholesterol oxidation process in the human body. This is not good for the arteries and the impact of atherosclerosis.

4. Regular renewal of blood cells

The body will periodically renew the blood cells in it. It's just that this process turns out to be different between someone who does blood donation and does not. For those who consistently donate blood, red blood cell regeneration will occur 48 hours post-blood donation. In that time, the blood volume will be completely replaced with a new one. At least 4 to 8 weeks into the future, new blood cells have formed and help the function of every organ. In this way, the body will look much more fresh and healthy and productive perform various activities.

5. Free medical examination

Someone who intends to donate his blood will be checked in advance to ensure that his condition is prime. It is certain we get free checks from doctors or experts. So we also know how our blood pressure, hemoglobin to body weight at that time. So, you do not have to be afraid anymore to do a donor with the reason of lack of blood.

6. Get a free blood analysis examination

When you do a blood donor, your blood sample will be examined in the laboratory. This is to determine if you have a particular disease or not. This method can also be used to detect diseases such as syphilis, HIV, hepatitis or other diseases. This step is to determine whether you qualify for blood donation or not. Because the infectious disease will be transmitted through blood transfusion conducted by the recipient.

Blood donors for beauty and psychology

7. Burn calories regularly

Many women who want to have the ideal body, but difficult to diet. Given so many extreme diets that are even fatal, try donating blood. Each time you donate blood (500 ml), you will burn 650 calories in the body. University of California said that someone who regularly donate blood will lose weight as desired. When the ideal body weight, certainly your skin will look instantly instantaneous. However, do not occasionally make blood donor as a weight loss program.

8. The psychological state is more stable

Every donor will certainly feel a healthful impact on their mind. Because they will be more clear-minded and stable in dealing with various problems. In addition, many donors who feel their ability to suppress stress levels are improving. It certainly affects the ability to socialize with the environment and problems encountered.

9. Prevent premature aging

Stress becomes one of the triggers of premature aging in a woman. No woman wants to look old and wrinkled in the face. Blood donors on a regular basis will help your skin regenerate completely. Wrinkles are not easy to arise because the skin is always tight. No need to do expensive beauty treatments at the beauty center, you can also get it.

Summary of Benefits of Blood Donor

For the recipient
  1. Providing Health
  2. Save his life
  3. Cure the illness suffered
  4. A blood bag can save 3 lives
For donors
  1. A form of concern among humankind
  2. Can help you lose weight
  3. Help burn calories
  4. Early detection of health risks
  5. Protect the heart
  6. Prevent stroke
  7. Preventing health risks Arranging health control
  8. Renew new blood cells
  9. Reduce excess iron
  10. Increases red blood cells
  11. Increase lung and kidney capacity
  12. Improving psychological health
  13. Helps blood circulation
  14. Maximize blood in the lungs
  15. Lowering zinc substances in the blood
  16. Prevent rare diseases
  17. Eliminate the stiff on the shoulders
  18. Know the blood type
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Health Benefits of Donating Blood - How, you already know not some of the benefits of blood donor? You not only help save a person's life, but also help the body stay healthy. There is no reason to fear the lack of blood, because medical personnel make sure you are ready to do so. Every drop of blood you donate is very meaningful to those in need. So, do not ever feel harmed if someone asks you to donate blood to help others, especially families.