20 Benefits of Green Coconut Water to Improve Your Health

Benefits of Green Coconut Water to Improve Your Health - Who does not know coconut fruit, coconut has Latin name Cocos Nucifera. Coconut is a type of plant that belongs to the pinang - pinangan (arecaceae). Coconut plants are often found on the coast, while coconut fruit is now very easy to get anywhere.

Coconut fruits are quite a lot of coconut fruit menpunyai menpunyai high economic value, this causes coconuts are widely sold on the market, and coconut fruit easily found anywhere. Coconut fruits are getting higher because people know the many benefits contained in the coconut.

Green Coconut

Benefits of Green Coconut Water to Improve Your Health

Currently coconut water from the type of green coconut is very popular in the community, because the benefits of green coconut water is very banayk once. Green coconut water contains many benefits and also the price of green coconut water is more expensive than ordinary coconut water. Green coconut water is well consumed for children, adolescents, and also parents, even for pregnant women and babies. This is the 20 benefits of green coconut water.

Benefits of Green Coconut Water to Improve Your Health

1. Green Coconut To Lose Weight

Many of today's women are afraid of excessive weight. Most women will keep their weight heavily. Most of them take medication to get the ideal weight instantly. But the use of weight loss drugs has some side effects are quite dangerous when consumed in excess.

The price of the weight-loss medicines is not cheap. For that, instead of having to spend a lot of money to get the ideal weight, we better consume green coconut water regularly. One of the benefits of green coconut water is to lose weight naturally.

Green Coconut Water Content To lose weight

Green coconut water has a very low content of fat, sugar, and calories. Utilizing green coconut water as a weight loss drug does not cause side effects. So, it is better to consume green coconut water instead of having to buy chemical drugs to get the ideal body weight

2. Green Coconut Water can neutralize toxins in the body

The benefits of green coconut water then dalah to neutralize toxins in the body. It's been a long time since people believed that powerful green coconut water pours out the toxins contained in the body. The content of Tanin and antidotum (anti-toxins) contained in green coconut water is very high. Green coconut water also contains enzymes that can break down toxic properties in the body.

3. Eliminate dehydration

Green coconut water has a lot in common with the fluid that is in our body. In addition, the content of electrolytes in green coconut water is very high. Green coconut water that has a very high electrolyte content can replace fluids lost in our body when we are on the move. Another content contained in green coconut water is potassium which is useful for maintaining water pressure in cells and in the blood. In addition, green coconut water is very easily absorbed by the body. That's the reason why green coconut water can eliminate dehydration in the body.

4. As an anti-diseases for pregnant women and fetuses

Green coconut water contains lauric acid compounds, these compounds can help fight various diseases. Lauric acid is also found in breast milk and has similar characteristics for antifungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-virus. So that hiaju coconut water is good for pregnant women and fetus

5. Adding nergy in the body

For those of you who have a lot of pretty heavy activities, green coconut water can be used as a beverage to add energy naturally. Green coconut water also has a normalizing effect. The content of enough vitamins in green coconut water can increase our energy during the activity. Green coconut water can be drunk by mixing it with honey.

6. Increase the nutritional content in the body

For those of you who feel malnourished, then you can consume green coconut water as an additional nutrient for your body. The abundance of absorbed vitamins and minerals can help provide for your body's nutritional needs.

7. Maintain heart health

The amount of vitamins and useful content for the body contained in green coconut water was also able to be used to maintain heart health

8. Maintain kidney health

Kidney is a very important organ for our body. By consuming green coconut water regularly, then we can maintain health on the kidneys.

9. Maintain the digestive system

For those of you who have difficulty in the digestive system such as constipation, then you can try green coconut water as a medicine. The content of green coconut water that can break down toxins in the body can also decompose the garbage or debris contained in the body and removed through the bowel movement.

10. Ward off free radicals

Green coconut water contains antioxidant substances that can help ward off free radicals that help inhibit premature aging of the skin.

11. Keep blood pressure steady

Green coconut water containing magnesium and potassium can help to keep blood pressure stable for high blood sufferers naturally.

12. Treating migraine diseases

The magnesium content of green coconut water can help treat migratory diseases.

13. Maintain cholesterol levels

For those of you who have problems at high cholesterol levels, then you can consume green coconut water regularly. The low fat content in green coconut water is believed to keep cholesterol levels in our body.

14. Support the immune system

Content of lauric acid in the form of anti-virus and anti-bacteria contained in green coconut water can help the body in maintaining the immune system and help kill the worms - the dangerous worms in the body.

15. Increase HDL

The low fat content in green coconut water is believed to increase HDL (good cholesterol) in our body.

16. Increase vitality in men

Most men currently consume excessive cigarettes. The content of nicotine in cigarettes can cause vitality in men decreased. Apparently consume green coconut water regularly also can reduce the content of nicotine in the body that disrupt the level of fertility in men.

17. Heals allergies on the skin

Some skin allergies occur due to viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Green coconut water that has the properties to break down viruses, bacteria, and fungi can help heal allergies on your skin.

18. Overcoming hair loss

Not many know that green coconut water is useful also to overcome hair loss. The content of glucose, amino acids, fructose, saccharose, minerals, and sucrose can help overcome hair loss due to dandruff. The use of coconut water as a remedy for hair loss is by mixing salt into green coconut water and let sit overnight. After a night of silence, then wipe on the head from scalp to tip of hair and massage - massage for a while. After that wrap with a towel and let sit overnight and rinse with warm hair the next day

19. Make skin smooth

Skin beauty is a thing that every woman craves for. The compounds contained in coconut water are useful for forming collagen tissue on the skin.

How to use it:

It is quite easy, just by drinking or by washing your face with green coconut water regularly can help remove acne, remove black stains on the face, remove fine wrinkles on the face, keep moisture on the skin, and prevent premature aging of the skin.

20. As a cure for febrile illness

The amount of substances contained in the coconut water can also help reduce fever heat. Green coconut water can be used as a first aid drug, which is by mixing a glass of green coconut water with a tablespoon of honey into warm water and then dipinumkan to deman sufferers.

Other benefits:
9 Health Benefits Of Kiwi Fruit
6 Benefits of water guava for Health and Skin

Green Coconut Water For Pregnant Women

The benefits of green coconut water for pregnant women have also been famous throughout the Indonesian universe. Coconut brothers just know and offer customers who are pregnant with green coconut water. It is true here are some properties for the mother pregnan.
  1. Maintain fetal health
  2. Fertilize the fetus
  3. Makes the fetus hair more dense
  4. Avoid the fetus from abnormalities
  5. Makes baby's skin smooth and white
Note: This info is circulating in the community, the truth needs to be checked again

Benefits of Green Coconut Water to Improve Your Health - So many benefits of green coconut water, it's no wonder at this time many people are starting to consume green coconut water. If there is a natural medicine, why should we buy chemical drugs that sometimes have side effects for our body.