25 Health Benefits of Passionfruit

Health Benefits of Passionfruit - Passion fruit is a fruit that comes from southern America and can be found growing wild in the forest. Passion fruit includes fruit that utilizes the seeds to be consumed. In Indonesia alone, many who have cultivated passion fruit as one commodity that can compete with other fruits. Some manufacturers of beverages such as syrup and beverage packaging, utilizing passion fruit as its superior product. This is because passion fruit is no less good with fruits on the benefits of oranges, the benefits of wine, the benefits of strawberry and so forth.

Health Benefits of Passionfruit
On the benefits of passion fruit contained many nutrients that are very good for health. Vitamin C is one of the dominant in the efficacy of passion fruit as in the benefits of lemon or the benefits of kiwi fruit. The content of passion fruit contains many nutrients such as carotene, niacin, nitric acid, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Here are some benefits of nutritional content in passion fruit:

Health Benefits of Passionfruit

1. Fiber and Protein

Although some people prefer to consume passion fruit in the form of juice, but eating it directly provides additional nutritional benefits. A cup full of passion fruit contains 24.5 grams of fiber and more than 5 grams of protein. The seedless passion fruit content will reduce the fiber to 0.5 grams per cup and the amount of protein falls below 1 gram.

2. Karatenoid

A cup of passion fruit contains vitamin A about 25% of the recommended daily value of Y. It is important to maintain good eyesight, healthy skin, cell growth and reproduction. Passion fruit contains at least 13 different carotenoids, including zeta, beta and alpha carotene, b-cryptoxanthin and lycopene, all non-nutritional phytochemicals that help the body produce vitamin A. Carotenoids soluble in fat, thus allowing better absorption of vitamin A.

3. Antioxidants

Passion fruit is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects itself from damage caused by free radical causes, prevents premature aging and maintains a strong immune system. With 1 portion of passion fruit gives all the required vitamin C every day. It also gives 10% of the required folate.

4. Iron

Passion fruit is a rich source of iron. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men should at least get 6 micrograms of iron per day and women get 8.1 micrograms, a cup of raw passion fruit provides nearly 4 milligrams. Coupled with fortified cereals and iron-rich vegetables such as in broccoli mnafaat, vegetarians can get a sufficient amount of iron. The content of vitamin C from passion fruit also helps the body absorb iron content.

A certain amount of nutrients in passion fruit is a great addition to a diet that can produce some incredible health benefits. Let's explore some of the benefits in more detail below:

5. Controlling Blood Pressure

A portion of passion fruit every day, can meet 1/4 daily needs of potassium. Potassium is an important mineral in the body one of which is its role as a vasodilator. Potassium calms the blood vessels and increases blood flow. In addition, potassium is needed to maintain proper fluid balance of the body's cells. Movement between the membranes occurs only through channels that are regulated by potassium, so an adequate amount of minerals is essential.

6. Improve Blood Circulation

Iron and copper are both important components of the production of red blood cells, thereby enlarging the virgin vessels and then, oxygen can flow freely to the areas that the body needs, stimulating metabolic activity in all organ systems and increasing productivity. Healthy blood flow functions are essential to body.

7. Enhances Digestion

The benefits of fruits are a strong source of fiber, and one serving of passion fruit provides 98% of daily fiber requirement. Fiber is an important component, because it is a substance that facilitates the digestion of healthy foods and the management of bowel movements. Passion fruit is a good source of soluble fiber in the pulp and acts as a bulk laxative, moving food through the digestive tract. This will reduce the signs of constipation by regulating bowel movements and other digestive disorders.

8. Healthy Eye Function

Vitamin A is associated with improved eye health, including the prevention of macular degeneration, cataracts, and blindness. In addition, about the appearance of the skin is not only a high content of antioxidants passion fruit that reduces wrinkles, but vitamin A specifically serves to improve health and skin. Includes promoting membrane function throughout the body, including skin to keep it moist and radiant.

9. Optimizing the Immunity System

Since ancient times, passion fruit has been cultivated due to a boost to the immune system. This immune strengthening is due to the presence of vitamin C, carotene, and cryptoxanthin. In fact, passion fruit has more than 100% of the total intake of vitamin C needed for a healthy diet. All of these vitamins act as antioxidants, which bind free radicals from the body and neutralize them before they can harm the organ system and result. In addition, vitamin C stimulates the activity of white blood cells and the rest of the immune defense system, thus protecting the body from common diseases and other serious diseases.

10. Cancer Prevention

In a note related to the health of the immune system, passion fruit is also a powerful source of anti-carcinogenic activity in the body. Antioxidants in passion fruit mainly remove free radicals, which cause cancer. Passion fruit also contains vitamin A, various flavonoids, and phenolic compounds, all of which have been linked to anti-cancer properties, especially in terms of cancers of the mouth and lungs.

Other benefits:
10 Heath Benefits Of Mangos
15 Health Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit

There are 14 other benefits of passion fruit:

  1. Can launch milk
  2. Stabilize excess weight
  3. Very good for skin
  4. As a febrifuge
  5. Anti-allergic medicine
  6. Pain relief medication
  7. As an antiseptic
  8. Very good for calming a hyperactive child
  9. Curing cough
  10. Eliminate acne
  11. Brighten skin dull
  12. Skin rejuvenation
  13. Maintain skin elasticity with age
  14. Loosen the tension on the nerves

The benefits of passion
as diverse as above, we can not rule out its role is very good for the body if consumed regularly and balanced. Start eating fruits such as passion fruit, to get the benefits for the body.